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El primer paso para manejar las expectativas poco realistas o irrazonables de los clientes es comprender la causa raíz de su insatisfacción o demanda. ¿Se debe a un malentendido, una falta de comunicación, un error o un desajuste entre sus necesidades y su oferta? ¿O se debe a un problema personal, una situación de alta presión o una falta de conciencia o educación? Al hacer preguntas abiertas, escuchar activamente y empatizar con el cliente, puede identificar la fuente de su frustración y abordarla en consecuencia.
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A lot of times unrealistic expectations can be a result of miscommunication so if you can understand what is causing this then you can address appropriately. Additionally, if the customer feels listened to then they feel open to speaking to you about the issue. But if you go in ready to just change their mind you will feel resistance from the customer.
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In the many years spent working in retail as the service and parts director or as the service manager I have encountered many customers and clients with unresonable demands or requests, most of these demands or requests came from misscommunication or missunderstanding in dealing with staff at the dealership. if you take the time to listen to the customer, and let them calmly explain the situation, take notes, restate what they are telling you throught the conversatio without already have teken a stance on what you will or will not do.
there will be something that you can live with that the customer can also live with,I found that just talking it through with them, the right answer will come to you and your client, just do the right thing!
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In my job most of the time unreasonable customer expectations are caused by lack of information of them.
when you as a company don't try to improve their awareness, they will get from other source which is not correct.
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Throughout the conversation, maintain a respectful and empathetic tone. Be patient and understanding, even if you need to decline the request. This approach addresses immediate situations, preserves relationships, and leaves the door open for more reasonable requests in the future.
Consider your relationship with the requester carefully, Start the conversation by asking open-ended questions to gain a deeper understanding of their request, Gently point out the potential challenges, consequences, or limitations associated with their request, Clearly and assertively communicate your boundaries and limitations, Instead of outright rejecting the request, suggest alternative solutions or compromises that may better align with both parties' needs.
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Honesty is the best policy when interacting with customers and their expectations that might not align with reality. But also, it's about looking at it from a different perspective rather than necessarily leading off with what you cannot do but what you can do to meet their needs. The customer often needs to be made of other alternatives that might satisfy their needs or wants. It takes much skill to navigate this issue with customers. You have to listen to what the customer is saying and not try to fill in the blanks for them or try to answer before they are done. Also, it would be best if you remained calm. We are all human, and I am sure our blood pressure rises when dealing with demanding customers.
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Handling unrealistic customer expectations involves listening actively to understand their concerns, showing empathy, and clarifying the expectation. Clearly explain any constraints or limitations, providing factual information. Offer alternative solutions that could meet their underlying needs, and highlight the benefits of these alternatives. Maintain professionalism, document the conversation, and follow up to ensure satisfaction. If needed, escalate the issue to a supervisor for further resolution while providing context.
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Sometimes unrealistic expectations may be a result of poor communication from our side as a company that offers a product/service. If that is the case, it is important to enhance that communication right away.
If it is not the case, we need to understand what is behind. It could be a cultural bias (some countries are used to ask for more even though they know they have not paid for it), or it could be due to changing needs or priorities.
Being a trusted advisor for our customer will help getting the reasons behind that request.
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From the customer point of view are not unrealistic or unreasonable, otherwise they wouldn't have asked in the first place, right? In these situation, when there is a conflict or different perspective, there is often an "emotional" message that covers the root cause. Listen emphatically, ask probing question on why they have that expectation, what is the source of their information. In this phase is rarely useful share our point of view, that will come later, and might generate a further conflict. Listen and do not make assumption but just deal with facts, because it might happen that the customer have a point, so do not discount that. Ask what is the impact for them.
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I starts by understanding the "why" are being demanding or challenging.
Is it lack of trust?
Is it because expectations haven't been managed well?
Is it because of previous negative experiences clients had?
Is it because you haven't communicated well and consistency enough with customers?
From questioning techniques, to empathising and showing active listening with complaining / demanding clients or focus on what happened on their customer journey to lead to this situation, having specific ways to find this precious "why" is definitely key.
El segundo paso para manejar las expectativas poco realistas o irrazonables de los clientes es establecer expectativas claras y realistas desde el principio. Esto significa que debe comunicarse de manera efectiva y transparente sobre lo que puede y no puede hacer, cuáles son los beneficios y limitaciones de su producto o servicio, y cuál es el cronograma y el proceso de entrega. También debe gestionar cualquier cambio o retraso que pueda ocurrir e informar al cliente lo antes posible. Al establecer expectativas claras y realistas, puede evitar la confusión, la decepción y el conflicto.
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Speaking with transparency is a key step to become a trusted advisor. We must act with trust in mind as one of our main values when working with anybody.
This means sharing information in a clear way, even of it is not exactly what was requested/expected. In today’s world, lies and ambiguous responses are easily uncovered, affecting relationships.
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It is critical to set clear and realistic expectations in order to manage unrealistic or unreasonable consumer expectations. Openly and honestly communicate what you can and cannot accomplish, the ins and outs of your product or service, and the delivery timeframe. If there are any modifications or delays, keep the consumer informed. The best policy is honesty.
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5 stages to successfully manage your customers’ expectations:
✅ Be crystal clear on what information you need from your customers
✅ Give them all the required information you need them to be aware of
✅ Target the discrepancies from what they tell you
✅ Have courageous conversations accordingly
✅ Never overpromise
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To manage unrealistic consumer expectations, clarity is key. Be transparent about what you can achieve, your product/service details, and delivery timelines. Keep customers informed of any changes or delays. Honesty builds trust and fosters better understanding between you and your customers.
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Transparency is vital to earning trust and becoming a trusted advisor. Upholding trust as a core value involves sharing information clearly, even if it diverges from expectations. In today's interconnected world, dishonesty and ambiguity can damage relationships, highlighting the importance of openness and honesty.
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One thing I have learnt in working for customer delight is that setting the right expectations at the very beginning builds a stronger trust in the longer run. No matter how uncomfortable it gets, be transparent and politely manage customer’s unrealistic demands. On the other hand, taking time to approach this honest discussion while the customer awaits a progress update from you will immediately set the base for an impacted customer experience.
First you clearly establish the scope of your product or service, and if you can push the limits and create exceptions for them later then nothing like it. Knowing that you have gone above and beyond what can be done is the best feeling a customer can get and that ensures customer delight.
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Transparency is essential to becoming a trusted advisor. Upholding trust as a core value means sharing information clearly, even if it deviates from expectations. In today's world, honesty is paramount, as dishonesty can damage relationships and erode trust.
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Setting clear and achievable expectations is key to managing consumer expectations effectively. Transparently communicate what you can deliver, including details about your product or service and the expected timeframe. Keep customers informed about any changes or delays. Honesty is always the best approach.
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To manage unrealistic consumer expectations effectively, it's vital to establish clear and realistic expectations. Communicate openly and honestly about what can and cannot be achieved, including product/service details and delivery timelines. Keep consumers informed of any modifications or delays, maintaining transparency throughout. Honesty remains the best policy in managing expectations.
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A lot of times, a conversation to resolve unrealistic expectations will come with resistance, which is normal.
An efficient way to deal with this situation is to start the conversation by presenting data and facts that will make the discussion less personal and more evidence-based.
Even more important than that, is to truly listen to the other part, so the gap between "realistic" and "unrealistic" can be mitigated or even solved with alternative solutions.
El tercer paso para manejar las expectativas poco realistas o irrazonables de los clientes es negociar una solución mutuamente beneficiosa. Esto significa que necesita encontrar una manera de equilibrar las necesidades y deseos del cliente con sus capacidades y recursos. Puede hacerlo ofreciendo alternativas, incentivos, descuentos o referencias que puedan satisfacer al cliente y aún así mantener su rentabilidad y reputación. También puede usar lenguaje positivo, comunicación asertiva y técnicas persuasivas para influir en la decisión y el comportamiento del cliente.
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Finding a win-win solution is essential for managing client expectations. Provide solutions that meet their demands while retaining profitability and reputation. Approach the conversation using positive words and persuasive methods to steer the consumer to a win-win situation.
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sometimes, the main and only customer's expectation is their complaints will be heard.
it's my experience. the held negotiation must be bilateral. the first and most important step to have a good and desirable services, we have to care their needs and listen their voice.
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After a deep and empathic listening of our customer requests, we should have enough information to understand what is behind the need they are sharing with us.
Following our trust values, we need to find that point where they feel comfortable, while we do not fall into setting wrong expectations. It should be as close as a win-win scenario as possible.
If approached in a humble and clear manner, customers tend to agree on proposed paths that clearly show our efforts to help them achieve their needs.
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Negotiating a mutually beneficial solution starts by turning yourself into an expert when it comes to handling courageous conversations:
✅ Be prepared: Know exactly what you want to address and what outcome you want
✅ Anticipate challenging questions / objections and prepare your answers accordingly
✅ Do not fall into the trap of becoming defensive
✅ Make it about their needs and use your expertise as valid arguments
✅ Come to a point of agreement and mention the next stage(s)
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Achieving a win-win solution is crucial in managing client expectations. Offer solutions that fulfill their needs while also preserving profitability and reputation. Employ positive language and persuasive techniques during discussions to guide clients toward a mutually beneficial outcome.
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Ensuring a win-win outcome is crucial when handling client expectations. Offer solutions that fulfill their needs while maintaining profitability and reputation. Use positive language and persuasive techniques during discussions to guide the consumer towards a mutually beneficial resolution.
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Achieving a win-win solution is crucial in managing client expectations. Offer solutions that fulfill their needs while maintaining profitability and reputation. Use positive language and persuasive techniques to guide the client towards a mutually beneficial outcome.
El cuarto paso para manejar las expectativas poco realistas o irrazonables del cliente es educar y empoderar al cliente. Esto significa que debe proporcionar al cliente información, comentarios y orientación relevantes y útiles que puedan ayudarlo a tomar mejores decisiones, resolver sus problemas y alcanzar sus objetivos. Puede hacerlo compartiendo su experiencia, mejores prácticas, consejos y recursos que pueden mejorar la experiencia y la satisfacción del cliente. También puede alentar al cliente a darle comentarios, sugerencias y testimonios que puedan mejorar su producto o servicio y su relación.
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The fourth phase in dealing with unreasonable or outlandish consumer expectations is to educate and empower them. This entails giving people useful information, feedback, and direction to make better decisions, solve problems, and achieve their objectives. Please share your knowledge, advice, and resources to improve their experience, make them happy, and solicit their comments and recommendations. Working together and sharing knowledge will allow them to make educated decisions and actively participate in the process, resulting in a win-win situation for all parties concerned.
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Managing customer's high expectations is often challenging maybe due to insufficient transparency, assumptions, or miscommunication. Regularly updating customers on service details and scope is beneficial.
In cases where requests go beyond the scope, mutual negotiation can sometimes align expectations without worsening the situation or incurring additional expenses.
Both the customer and the service provider will be safeguarded from potential risks.
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It is all about successfully managing their expectations right from the start by focusing on the 5 main types of expectations you need to get right for every client:
✅ The product/service itself – what do they get?
✅ The way it is delivered – how do they get it?
✅ Outcome – what will they get as a result?
✅ Requirements – what do they need to do/provide?
✅ External factors – what is not in our control we want our customers to know?
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Empowering and educating consumers is the fourth step in managing unrealistic expectations. Provide valuable information, feedback, and guidance to help them make informed decisions, solve issues, and reach their goals. Share your expertise, advice, and resources to enhance their experience, boost satisfaction, and encourage feedback. Collaborating and exchanging knowledge enables them to make informed choices and engage actively, leading to a mutually beneficial outcome for everyone involved.
El quinto paso para manejar las expectativas poco realistas o irrazonables de los clientes es hacer un seguimiento y seguir adelante. Esto significa que debe mantenerse en contacto con el cliente y asegurarse de que estén contentos y satisfechos con el resultado de su interacción. Puede hacerlo enviando una nota de agradecimiento, una encuesta, un recordatorio o un boletín informativo que pueda mostrar su aprecio, medir su desempeño, reforzar su valor y generar su lealtad. También puede cumplir sus promesas, cumplir sus compromisos y superar sus expectativas siempre que sea posible.
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Firstly, it's important to set expectations that are achievable. Overpromising can help diffuse a situation in the moment, but the subsequent underdelivering can damage your credibility and customer trust. Be honest about what you can and cannot do, and provide clear timelines. Then, it's crucial to honor any and all commitments you make. Keep the customer informed about the progress of their issue or request. If there are any delays or changes, communicate them promptly. Transparency is key to maintaining trust.
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My endeavor as customer experience leader has taken me to deal with situations where customer has a different understanding of company's commitments
Once you make a deal, your follow up and follow through will show the customer your appreciation and committed to honor your value proposition.
- If you anticipate any problems, don't wait until they happen to let the customer know.
- If already happened, be sure to respond quickly and efficiently, being flexible and willing to work it out.
- If you do make a mistake, be apologetic and take steps to correct it.
These are some specifics that can effectively handle and maintain a positive relationship with your customers, even if first request was unrealistic or unreasonable.
El sexto y último paso para manejar las expectativas poco realistas o irrazonables de los clientes es saber cuándo decir que no o alejarse. Esto significa que debe reconocer cuándo un cliente está siendo abusivo, irrespetuoso, deshonesto o irrazonable y cuándo no puede cumplir con sus expectativas o demandas sin comprometer su integridad, calidad o seguridad. Puede hacerlo estableciendo límites, aplicando políticas y explicando las consecuencias que pueden proteger sus derechos, intereses y reputación. También puede referir al cliente a otro proveedor, finalizar la relación o escalar el problema si es necesario.
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The final step in handling unrealistic or unreasonable customer expectations is knowing when to decline or disengage. This involves recognizing situations where a customer displays inappropriate behavior and where meeting their demands could compromise integrity, quality, or safety. Setting boundaries, enforcing policies, and explaining potential consequences are key. Options include referring the customer elsewhere, ending the relationship, or escalating the issue when necessary.
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In business there is no problem in saying no if the situation requires it. In a sales situation for example, a salesperson who says no demonstrates that his objective is not to sell at all costs but to sell only if he is going to provide the expected value. A well explained reason is key for a well understanding. In my experience, those customers who were said "no", have demonstrated trust afterwards!
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Treine a equipe de atendimento ao cliente para identificar e gerenciar situações em que é necessário dizer não, mantendo sempre o respeito e a assertividade.
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Learning to say no to your clients is key. And there is one method to do it effectively: the “no-why-but” approach.
With this approach, you are indeed saying no without properly saying it (“unfortunately, this is not something we can do….”) while explaining the reason behind (by making it about their needs) and giving them an alternative solution wherever possible.
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The last stage in managing unrealistic customer expectations is recognizing when to decline or disengage. This means identifying situations where a customer's behavior is inappropriate or where meeting their demands could jeopardize integrity, quality, or safety. Setting clear boundaries, enforcing policies, and explaining potential consequences are essential steps. Options include redirecting the customer to another resource, terminating the relationship, or escalating the matter if needed.
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It definitely starts by knowing your own limits as a business. And the best way to do so is to ask yourself the correct questions: Is this client representing a threat to the business? Have I set the correct expectations right from the start? Is the client taking the wrong things for granted because it hasn’t been addressed?
Having a list of questions to ask yourself when you are facing these kinds of clients is crucial to then set your limits accordingly.
But it will also help you find the most important piece of information: why they are like this.
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Here's the current situation I'm facing:
An amazing company within my ICP -> I am talking with the CRO-> He is interested in our solution-> At this point, we both see the value of our partnership-> My competitors are offering a cheaper price and are committing to things we all know they cannot assure.
The prospect is asking me for the same things to sign with us.
My answer: We cannot compare the type of offer from our competitors in terms of cost and outcomes.
We are building the best possible environment for my prospect to reach their goal. Still, we do not have a magic wand.
I prefer being transparent and losing this time than promising things I cannot assure and losing my credibility forever.
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You should always promise more than you can deliver.
This will impress your customers. And by the time they find out, you've pocketed a lot of loot.
Just kidding....don't do that. That is an unethical practice.