Está luchando para involucrar a los padres en el aprendizaje de sus hijos. ¿Cómo puedes hacer que el proceso sea más efectivo?
Para involucrar mejor a los padres en el viaje de aprendizaje de sus hijos, es esencial hacer que el proceso sea atractivo y accesible. Considere estas estrategias:
- Personalice la comunicación para que se adapte a la situación y preferencias únicas de cada familia, ya sea a través de correo electrónico, llamadas telefónicas o reuniones cara a cara.
- Organice eventos flexibles para padres y maestros con horarios variados para adaptarse a diferentes horarios, asegurándose de que todos tengan la oportunidad de asistir.
- Proporcionar consejos claros y prácticos sobre cómo pueden apoyar el aprendizaje en casa, simplificando la jerga educativa en consejos prácticos.
¿Cómo involucrar a los padres en la educación de sus hijos? Comparte tus estrategias.
Está luchando para involucrar a los padres en el aprendizaje de sus hijos. ¿Cómo puedes hacer que el proceso sea más efectivo?
Para involucrar mejor a los padres en el viaje de aprendizaje de sus hijos, es esencial hacer que el proceso sea atractivo y accesible. Considere estas estrategias:
- Personalice la comunicación para que se adapte a la situación y preferencias únicas de cada familia, ya sea a través de correo electrónico, llamadas telefónicas o reuniones cara a cara.
- Organice eventos flexibles para padres y maestros con horarios variados para adaptarse a diferentes horarios, asegurándose de que todos tengan la oportunidad de asistir.
- Proporcionar consejos claros y prácticos sobre cómo pueden apoyar el aprendizaje en casa, simplificando la jerga educativa en consejos prácticos.
¿Cómo involucrar a los padres en la educación de sus hijos? Comparte tus estrategias.
Experience has taught me that empowering your students parents with the right strategies to contribute effectively to the learning journey of their child would always remain a game changer. Here are some strategic ways to get them Involved ✅Empower Parents as Partners Involve them in setting academic or behavioral goals for their child. Share practical tips for supporting learning at home, such as reading together or discussing math problems. Get the involved in one way or the other ✅Host Parent-Friendly Events Organize workshops, open houses, or learning sessions where parents can understand teaching methods and curriculum.Provide flexible scheduling/ timing options to accommodate different availability.
Para hacer que el proceso de involucrar a los padres en el aprendizaje de sus hijos sea más efectivo, el educador debe establecer canales de comunicación claros y accesibles, como reuniones periódicas, boletines informativos y plataformas en línea. Es crucial que el educador fomente un ambiente de colaboración y apoyo, invitando a los padres a participar en actividades escolares y proporcionando recursos que les permitan contribuir al aprendizaje desde casa. Además, el educador debe esforzarse por comprender las circunstancias y expectativas de cada familia, adaptando su enfoque para ser inclusivo y respetuoso con la diversidad.
When trying to engage parents in their child's learning journey, it is important to recognize that parents do not necessarily have insight in what is going on in the classroom... getting your child to talk about their day can be a challenge In addition, when reaching out to parents, you battle for their attention with that of siblings, their work, household chores and more - so you need to grab their attention: Start by sharing cute, funny stories and interesting experiences - much like short tweets to engage them in the everyday life at school. This will give them an insight in the daily life at school and open up for conversation at home about the school day. This in turn will open up for the more in dept conversations later on
Engaging parents in their child's learning can be enhanced through regular and transparent communication. Establishing a consistent schedule for updates about the child's progress, activities, and events encourages parental involvement. Inviting parents to participate in classroom activities, projects, or volunteer opportunities can help foster a collaborative environment. Providing resources such as workshops and educational materials can help parents understand how to support their child's learning at home. Maintaining a positive culture involves celebrating successes and fostering open dialogue to create a supportive partnership between parents and educators.
As a primary school teacher and tutor, I have seen how much children's learning improves when their families are involved. To achieve this, it is important to maintain close and adapted communication: sometimes an email is enough, but other times a call or a personal chat is more effective. I also believe in organizing accessible meetings, with time options or even online sessions, so that everyone can participate, but reality sometimes crushes into our schedules. In addition, it is essential to explain to families how they can help from home with simple and clear ideas, without complications, so that they feel confident in contributing to their children's progress. Ex: read this type of book with your child 5 minutes per day.
The literature has reported that education is more effective when it receives parental support. Schools need to strengthen ties with families so that parents can participate in this continuous teaching and learning process. Some actions, with flexible schedules, can be taken to bring parents closer to the school environment. These include fairs, cultural events, and science exhibitions, among others. The purpose of these initiatives is to bring parents closer not only to their child's educational process but also to the entire school community. When parents are more engaged, it becomes easier for them to monitor their children's development.
In addition to dealing with individual learning issues, I found it very effective to host parent workshops to provide opportunities to learn together and be more involved with asking questions, participating in activities, and engaging with other parents too. One example was a parent and teacher workshop for creating hands-on materials for mathematical reasoning concepts. The anxiety of "doing math" was eliminated with creating games, materials, and becoming learners again too! High level concepts were much less scary! Lots of questions, laughter, and more engagement resulted in overwhelming enthusiasm from the parents, teachers, and university professors too! Parents will appreciate your efforts!
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