Se enfrenta a los comentarios de los clientes sobre la calidad del servicio. ¿Cómo puedes mantener a tu equipo motivado?
Enfrentarse a los comentarios de los clientes sobre la calidad del servicio puede ser difícil, pero es una oportunidad de oro para inspirar a su equipo. A continuación, te explicamos cómo aprovechar las críticas de forma constructiva:
- Comparte comentarios positivos junto con los negativos para recordarle a tu equipo sus fortalezas.
- Crear un plan de acción que involucre las ideas de mejora de todos, fomentando la apropiación.
- Celebra las pequeñas victorias a medida que implementas cambios, manteniendo la moral alta.
¿Cómo conviertes los comentarios de los clientes en una herramienta de motivación para tu equipo?
Se enfrenta a los comentarios de los clientes sobre la calidad del servicio. ¿Cómo puedes mantener a tu equipo motivado?
Enfrentarse a los comentarios de los clientes sobre la calidad del servicio puede ser difícil, pero es una oportunidad de oro para inspirar a su equipo. A continuación, te explicamos cómo aprovechar las críticas de forma constructiva:
- Comparte comentarios positivos junto con los negativos para recordarle a tu equipo sus fortalezas.
- Crear un plan de acción que involucre las ideas de mejora de todos, fomentando la apropiación.
- Celebra las pequeñas victorias a medida que implementas cambios, manteniendo la moral alta.
¿Cómo conviertes los comentarios de los clientes en una herramienta de motivación para tu equipo?
When facing customer feedback on service quality, especially if it's negative, it’s crucial to keep your team motivated and focused on improvement. Here are some strategies to foster a positive team culture: 1. Acknowledge and Address the Feedback 2. Focus on Team Strengths 3. Lead by Example 4. Offer Professional Development 5. Reinforce Purpose and Impact 6. Provide Regular Feedback and Recognition 7. Encourage a Positive Team Culture 8. Set Clear Expectations and Reassurance 9. Focus on Continuous Improvement By handling customer feedback with empathy, focusing on solutions, and recognizing the team’s efforts, you can keep morale high, build resilience, and motivate your team to deliver better service moving forward.
In hospitality industry feedback’s matter a lot and we should always try and make a wonderful experience for the guests But sometimes we get negative feedback’s but we should never demotivate or criticise the team, Instead we can start some training and discuss all the negative feedback with the team in briefing and motivate them so that team could learn from their mistakes . This makes us a good team leader and our team believes in us and try to never repeat those mistakes .
Uma estratégia que sempre uso e ter um diálogo aberto com a equipe para refletir sobre os aprendizados que podemos ter com os feedbacks. Os positivos comemoramos e fortalecemos o vínculo para que sempre hajam, já os negativos refletimos sobre os pontos sensíveis do ocorrido e quais são os aprendizados, buscando ações para melhorar e eliminar tais situações.
To keep your team motivated amidst customer feedback on service quality: 1) Acknowledge and Empower - Share feedback constructively and involve the team in finding solutions. 2) Celebrate Wins - Recognize improvements, no matter how small, and reward efforts. 3) Provide Support - Offer training, tools, and emotional encouragement to boost confidence. 4) Lead Positively - Show resilience and commitment, inspiring the team to strive for excellence. Focus on growth and teamwork, turning challenges into opportunities for improvement.
To address the service quality issue, it's crucial to first conduct a root cause analysis before taking any action. This will help you understand whether the quality has been compromised. Motivation alone isn't always enough; it's essential to identify the underlying problem and find a suitable solution. It's important to not only motivate the team by highlighting where the quality is lacking, but also to recognize those who have performed well. For those needing improvement, provide constructive feedback and the necessary support to help them improve. Ultimately, solving the problem at its root is key to achieving long-term improvement.
The value of feedback whether positive or negative is valuable for the team. Negative feedback does not necessarily have to be ‘negative’ for the team and the following is what I strive for when communicating negative/positive feedback: 1. Consistent and open communication with feedback from guests. I have a weekly email ‘Guest Experience’ that provides updated feedback from guests positive and negative, which I use the negative feedback as ‘Opportunities’ to improve. 2. Buy-in from the team for a customer centric team, valuing feedback. When sharing guest feedback it is always communicated in a positive manner. A guest may had an issue with service, how did this happen, what can we do to improve and motivate the team to take ownership.
Restaurant Hospitality needs to embrace and use the tools that we have available to us - mainly guest reviews - for training and development like Hotel Hospitality has perfected. We watch reviews carefully, and note any positive/negative trends. If we see a trend of a topic scoring lower for a period of time, we check the reviews for clues, see who was working, and refocus supervision on that area or celebrate successes.
One of my mentor told me long time ago, that feedback (good or bad) are opportunity to be motivated to maintain and improve the quality of service we provide to your guests/clients/patrons. It also provide us the opportunity to grow and be more competetive in service industry.
Facing Guests negative feedback on service quality- - Hospitality Industry is amongst those industries where the quality of services rendered shall be judged and rated which further makes or breaks the business. The business and the traffic are solely based on the quality of services and exceptional dining experiences rendered to the Guests. - Feedbacks or complaints highlighted by the Guests should be carefully taken into consideration. An assessment should be made finding out the trends and common pitfalls for the majority of the complaints. - Regular discussion of the operational glitches with the team and encouraging them to share their valuable insights and ideas to rectify the shortcomings in the long run without them confronted
Sua equipe precisa sentir que essas críticas são um ponto de partida, não um ataque. Compartilhe as coisas positivas que eles já fazem bem, envolva todos na criação de um plano de melhorias e celebre cada avanço, por menor que seja. Com a abordagem certa, você não só melhora o serviço, como também mantém sua equipe motivada e engajada no processo.
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