Su cocina es un caos debido a fallas tecnológicas. ¿Cómo mantendrá el flujo de pedidos durante las horas punta?
¿Te enfrentas a un colapso tecnológico en la cocina? Comparte tus estrategias para mantener a raya el ajetreo de la cena.
Su cocina es un caos debido a fallas tecnológicas. ¿Cómo mantendrá el flujo de pedidos durante las horas punta?
¿Te enfrentas a un colapso tecnológico en la cocina? Comparte tus estrategias para mantener a raya el ajetreo de la cena.
Facing technical glitches in kitchen - - Facing technical glitches in a restaurant operation is a common phenomena and can deteriorate the flow if not handled and managed properly and effectively. - It is always advisable and recommended to have all the POS, Kitchen Order Tickets are checked and tested thoroughly before the beginning of the operation. - Technical glitches are mostly occur due to network failure or tampered, communication through the POS are not well connected or printer failure can cause the glitches to occur. - Assigining a team members at the pass to oversee the flow and maintain the right dispatch of foods to the Guests can diminishes the possibilities of wrong foods served to the Guests.
During peak hours with kitchen chaos due to technological glitches, I would implement a manual order-taking system to keep orders flowing. I’d ensure the team communicates effectively, using whiteboards or paper tickets to track orders. Designating a few staff members to focus on expediting orders and prioritizing the most critical ones will help maintain efficiency. By staying organized and calm, we can navigate the situation and ensure timely service for our guests.
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