El coaching es un proceso estructurado y orientado a objetivos que te ayuda a mejorar tu rendimiento, habilidades o comportamiento en un área específica. Un coach es un profesional capacitado que lo guía a través de una serie de sesiones, utilizando herramientas y técnicas como retroalimentación, preguntas, planes de acción y responsabilidad. Un coach no te da consejos ni te dice qué hacer, sino que te ayuda a descubrir tus propias soluciones y potencial.
1️⃣ Purpose and Focus: A coach is focused on helping individuals improve specific skills, overcome challenges, and achieve specific goals. 2️⃣ Expertise: Coaches may or may not have direct experience or expertise in the specific area the individual is seeking help with. 3️⃣ Relationship Dynamics: Coaches maintain objectivity, focusing on helping clients discover their own solutions, providing accountability, and offering constructive feedback. 4️⃣ Timeframe: Coaching relationships are often time-bound and specific to achieving predetermined goals or targets. 5️⃣ Approach: Coaches employ active listening, powerful questioning, and other techniques to facilitate self-discovery, self-reflection, and personal growth in their clients.
A coach is someone who helps leaders discover their blind spots, said another way, a coach expands a leader's self-awareness. In seeing 'newly' a situation or bias at play, the leader will have choices they couldn't see before and new actions to take aligned with their desired future and intended outcome.
Coaching helps someone unlock their own potential. It brings about increased self-confidence, self-belief and a reduction of the imposter syndrome. All of this is done with the client being in their own driving seat and they have handed the map of 'where they want to get to' to the coach. The professional coach asks open-ended questions to help the client plot the route to their goal.
Coaching is a partnership, a conversation where the coach works collaboratively to create a space where you can uncover insights about your practice or goals. A coach is there to listen and help you think, to help facilitate you finding your way.
La mentoría es una relación informal y a largo plazo que apoya el crecimiento general de su carrera y el desarrollo personal. Un mentor es alguien que tiene más experiencia o conocimiento que usted en un determinado campo o industria, y que comparte sus ideas, sabiduría y contactos con usted. Un mentor no te entrena en tareas u objetivos específicos, sino que te ofrece orientación, aliento e inspiración.
1️⃣ Purpose and Focus: A mentor is more focused on providing guidance, sharing knowledge, and offering advice based on their own experiences. 2️⃣ Expertise: Mentors usually possess significant experience and expertise in the area of interest. 3️⃣ Relationship Dynamics: The mentor-mentee relationship often involves a more informal and personal connection. 4️⃣ Timeframe: Mentorship is usually an ongoing, long-term relationship that extends beyond achieving immediate goals. 5️⃣ Approach: Mentors often take a more advisory role, sharing knowledge, offering insights, and providing guidance based on their own experiences.
When we mentor it is usually because we have some particular experiences that we can bring to a mentoring relationship. A mentor is a good listener, provides helpful stories, metaphors and examples to help someone to understand a situation with some new insight based on the mentor's experiences.
A mentor is there for you, they are someone who you can go to, to ask for guidance or support. They are there when you need them and they can offer pointers from their experience to help you along the way.
El coaching y la mentoría pueden ayudarlo a alcanzar sus objetivos profesionales y aumentar su confianza, motivación y satisfacción. El coaching puede ayudarlo a aclarar su visión y objetivos, reconocer sus fortalezas y áreas de mejora, desarrollar nuevas habilidades y estrategias, superar desafíos y obstáculos, así como medir su progreso. Por otro lado, la mentoría puede ayudarlo a expandir su red y oportunidades, aprender de las mejores prácticas y errores de los demás, obtener perspectiva y retroalimentación, explorar diferentes trayectorias profesionales y opciones, así como alinear sus valores y propósito.
El coaching y la mentoría vienen con su propio conjunto de desafíos, como encontrar el entrenador o mentor adecuado para sus necesidades, establecer metas realistas, administrar su tiempo y recursos, y lidiar con problemas difíciles o delicados. Además, debe comprometerse a ser abierto y confiado para implementar los cambios y las acciones que acuerde.
Biggest challenge seem to be about expectations on either the coach/mentor's side or the client's perspective. Having a good first meeting to discuss this is so important to set the right parameters at the very beginning. Sometimes if you coaching/mentoring someone for a longer period of time it is really good to reassess those perspectives as they can change as the client gets the results and goals they want.
It helps when leaders have an appetite to discover their gaps. Being open-minded is a deliberate and purposeful action as our brains function from a place of 'knowing' - this is a barrier to learning and being open.
Encontrar un entrenador o un mentor puede ser intimidante, pero hay algunos pasos que puede seguir para facilitar el proceso. Por ejemplo, puede pedir recomendaciones a sus compañeros, colegas, amigos o familiares. Alternativamente, puede buscar plataformas en línea, directorios o bases de datos que ofrezcan servicios de coaching o mentoría. Además, unirse a asociaciones profesionales, grupos o redes que conectan a entrenadores o mentores con aprendices es otra opción. También puede considerar asistir a eventos, talleres o seminarios web donde pueda conocer a posibles entrenadores o mentores. Por último, si hay alguien a quien admiras o respetas, puedes comunicarte y preguntarle si estaría dispuesto a guiarte.
Cuando encuentras un coach o mentor, es esencial establecer una relación clara y positiva. Comunique sus objetivos, necesidades y expectativas, y acuerde la frecuencia, duración y formato de sus sesiones. Prepárate para cada sesión haciendo tu tarea y reflexionando sobre tu progreso. Sea honesto y respetuoso al recibir comentarios, luego tome medidas sobre las sugerencias y consejos que reciba. Finalmente, revise y celebre sus logros y resultados.
A professional coach or mentor will always offer a 'chemistry session' at the very beginning so that a potential client can decide if this is the right coach or mentor for them. That first session is complimentary so there is no pressure on the client or the coach/mentor either way. Have a 'WOW' first official session in which you both discuss 'ways of working' together. What are the expectations on both sides, how the client could measure success etc. It's important to be both be open and honest so you don't set unrealistic expectations of the process or each other.
The only way to benefit from coaching or mentoring is to accept you need help/guidance and be prepared to embark on an association that will help you reach your next level in your personal or professional goals. The more you invest in the more you get out of this association. Once you have accepted this the next step is to ask around from people who have achieved what you want and look in the network where you want to go.
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