Vous êtes passionné par la réduction du gaspillage alimentaire. Comment pouvez-vous garder votre équipe engagée et motivée dans le processus ?
Lorsque la réduction du gaspillage alimentaire est un objectif qui vous tient à cœur, maintenir la motivation de l’équipe est essentiel. Voici comment vous pouvez garder tout le monde à bord et enthousiaste :
- Fixez-vous des objectifs clairs et mesurables afin que les progrès puissent être célébrés.
- Fournir des ressources éducatives pour souligner l’impact de leurs efforts.
- Favoriser une culture de l’innovation en encourageant des solutions créatives.
Comment encouragez-vous votre équipe à rester engagée dans les initiatives de développement durable ?
Vous êtes passionné par la réduction du gaspillage alimentaire. Comment pouvez-vous garder votre équipe engagée et motivée dans le processus ?
Lorsque la réduction du gaspillage alimentaire est un objectif qui vous tient à cœur, maintenir la motivation de l’équipe est essentiel. Voici comment vous pouvez garder tout le monde à bord et enthousiaste :
- Fixez-vous des objectifs clairs et mesurables afin que les progrès puissent être célébrés.
- Fournir des ressources éducatives pour souligner l’impact de leurs efforts.
- Favoriser une culture de l’innovation en encourageant des solutions créatives.
Comment encouragez-vous votre équipe à rester engagée dans les initiatives de développement durable ?
Tarek Shawky DBA, CPM, TQM.
Director Of manufacturing Operations at La Poire | Touristic Enterprises
- set a specific objectives as waste measurable KPI's to reduce food waste - awareness and training - contribute ideas and share every body the info. - change culture step by step . - reward achievements and encourage team work
The principle way of ensuring there is no or minimum food wastage is through the application of first in first out rule whereby the initial stock is fully utilized before the new one. Through this in combination with other cooking and preservation methods especially those food are much susceptible to perishability will ensure proper stock rotation while maintaining the quality and quantity in the warehouse
Getting your team motivated is one thing. Keeping that motivation is a whole different story. Therefore, regularly share about the progress. Tell, for example, how much food you all are saving per week, per month, and per year.Aim to cook and serve the right portions for the number of people you are feeding. Freeze, pickle, dehydrate, can, or make jam/jelly from surplus fruits and vegetables - especially abundant seasonal produce. Don't leave perishable food at room temperature for more than two hours.``Take as much as you want but please do not waste.'' Minimise portions that are served by using smaller measures. Use prepackaged food like they do in airlines. Donate unused food to charities.
For me, I would start with small actions, like finishing my own plate, to set the tone. If I am with my fellows, I'll encourage conversations about portion control and mindful consumption to reduce waste. Highlighting the real-world impact of wasted food on resources and communities. How do you inspire those around you to make a difference? 🌍
To keep your staff members engaged on this topic, there are quite a few things you can do. One is to show them how the impact of what they are doing is impacting the world . Another thing that you can do is to create a sense of process that is engaging a meaningful. This can attract many employees to the idea that what you are doing is very positive.
To engage your team in reducing food waste, connect their efforts to a meaningful purpose by sharing the environmental and social impact—foster collaboration by encouraging ideas, assigning roles, and recognizing contributions. Provide tools, training, and resources to enhance their skills and make the process efficient. Keep it fun with gamified challenges or creative activities like cooking with leftovers. Set clear goals, track progress visibly, and celebrate successes regularly. Acknowledge individual and team efforts through rewards or public recognition to sustain motivation and commitment to the cause.
Full compliance to recipe in terms of using the required measurements, constant trainings on the need to know the consequences of wastages on the firm..
I have worked in a super busy fast-food burger operation where food wastage was high due to staff mistakes, especially during peak hours. For example, a certain burger requires only Ketchup but the staff apply both Ketchup & Mustard hence need to through the bread and start over with a new one. One of the most effective tools was "training " the respective team members on "reading attentively" the notes/descriptions from the kitchen's display screen of orders - focus even during peak hours, and share with them the amounts of wastage for a full month so they realize the overall daily small impact on restaurant's performance at the end of the month/year! Training & data sharing are good practices to keep your team engaged!
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