Vous naviguez entre des opinions contradictoires lors d’une réunion d’équipe. Comment ajustez-vous votre voix pour trouver un terrain d’entente ?
Lors d’une réunion d’équipe, lorsque les opinions s’affrontent, il est essentiel de moduler sa voix pour fédérer le groupe. Utilisez ces stratégies pour trouver un consensus :
- Écouter activement et reconnaître les différents points de vue pour faire preuve de respect et d’ouverture.
- Posez des questions qui guident le groupe vers des buts et des objectifs communs.
- Proposez des compromis en mélangeant les idées, en mettant en évidence le meilleur de chaque proposition.
Comment abordez-vous les opinions contradictoires pour parvenir à un accord ? Ajoutez vos stratégies.
Vous naviguez entre des opinions contradictoires lors d’une réunion d’équipe. Comment ajustez-vous votre voix pour trouver un terrain d’entente ?
Lors d’une réunion d’équipe, lorsque les opinions s’affrontent, il est essentiel de moduler sa voix pour fédérer le groupe. Utilisez ces stratégies pour trouver un consensus :
- Écouter activement et reconnaître les différents points de vue pour faire preuve de respect et d’ouverture.
- Posez des questions qui guident le groupe vers des buts et des objectifs communs.
- Proposez des compromis en mélangeant les idées, en mettant en évidence le meilleur de chaque proposition.
Comment abordez-vous les opinions contradictoires pour parvenir à un accord ? Ajoutez vos stratégies.
I think every opinion matters and need to be heard and respected. When the opinions are heard and respected, team starts to work together towards finding best solution out of many solutions. We should try to remove conflict from this scenario and make it a constructive discussion to choose the best from multiple opinions.
Conflicting opinions are always going to be there. If you're to act as the person who brings the whole team together and lead them towards a certain direction by finding a common ground, then you need to assert the importance of letting all of them speak one-by-one, grab the key points taking notes and break them down further. It is of utmost significance that every team member listens to every other team member carefully and with an open heart up for discussions. It is only then, that the pros and cons of each argument can be weighed meticulously. Hence, you'll achieve a fruitful outcome. You must act as a unifier here and not add fuel to the fire. Communication, Compromise and Prioritize are the key players here.
A strategy I’ve tried when such a situation occurs is creating a mind map of everything that is being said in the meeting. Writing things down helps people visualize their ideas, gives them the satisfaction of attention to what they’re saying and helps create a general visual representation of what is to be achieved, apart from what is being wanted. With having everything mapped out, even starting the process of mapping, will help people quiet down, and give space to breathing and calming the nervous system, away from the chaos a vocal team meeting can create.
1. Stay Calm and Neutral Keep your tone steady and neutral. Avoid sounding defensive or aggressive; it sets a constructive atmosphere. 2. Empathise and Acknowledge Use a warm, understanding tone to acknowledge different viewpoints. 3. Slow Down When Clarifying Speak slowly and clearly when explaining complex points to ensure everyone understands and feels heard. 4. Use a Confident Tone for Solutions When suggesting solutions, use a confident yet approachable voice to encourage team buy-in. 5. Lower Your Volume When Disagreements Escalate Lowering your voice helps de-escalate tensions and encourages others to listen more closely.
If you are navigation conflicting opinions on a team meeting 1) Your first priority should be listening to both the parties 2) You must not be biased towards anyone 3) Ask questions regarding the conflicting 4) Try to solve the problem in peaceful manner 5) Give your sincere opinions
The quickest way to find common ground is to focus on the areas where there is agreement. Using a white board you can list all the areas of agreement. Once listed, summarize the goals of the meeting. On the board, using all the areas of agreement, list all the ways the team’s goals can be achieved. Focus all your energy on what can be accomplished, instead of focusing on what can’t be accomplished. Build results based on what can be done based on the areas of agreement.
“Perception is shaped by context — what one person sees depends on where they stand.” I would first acknowledge that it’s natural to have differing ideas and opinions. Then, using a calm and gentle tone, I would guide the conversation toward blending everyone’s perspectives, inviting feedback so that we can collectively find common ground.
A few things which are particularly helpful: - Take all perspectives, particularly those which challenge my personal take. - Involve everyone in discussing the pros and cons of each (in writing). - Think what’s best for the brand and the content in question, go with that. Perks of working with a volunteer-based team: we can usually incorporate everyone’s ideas, at different timelines!
To begin with, make pace with yourself that it is the most common thing to have a different set of opinion but not panic. I would suggest to have a piece of paper where everyone writes the different opinion they have and make sure to write an objective through that. Once it is on paper you can one by one discuss all of them and take a poll instead of just announcing anything. But keep a confirm ground that the last call would be yours!
Conflicts of opinions are inevitable in today's time. In my experience, I approach conflicting opinions by first staying calm and listening without interrupting, ensuring everyone feels heard. Like everyone said, it's important to find a common ground by highlighting shared goals and perspective so that you can blend ideas into a solution that works for everyone. And hence, helps you to pave a unidirectional way. And by blending the best parts of different ideas and remaining flexible, I have been able to build consensus while keeping the team’s overall objective in sight. Empathy and patience are key in these situations. I believe showing empathy and being willing to adjust my stance promotes trust and collaboration.
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