Vous faites face à des objections de la part de clients du secteur de la santé. Comment pouvez-vous utiliser la narration pour les persuader ?
Donnez votre avis sur la conquête des clients du secteur de la santé : le storytelling fait-il une différence dans votre approche ?
Vous faites face à des objections de la part de clients du secteur de la santé. Comment pouvez-vous utiliser la narration pour les persuader ?
Donnez votre avis sur la conquête des clients du secteur de la santé : le storytelling fait-il une différence dans votre approche ?
Before storytelling it is important to know more about the client, understand the real objection and build your personal connect. This will help you to formulate and tell your story effectively, which your client can resonate with and will lead to the desired result.
It will be important to understand whether the HCP’s objection is a real objection or a perception; and also understand the background. In any case, do the home work by collecting required data to rebut the objection/ perception and formulate the story. Decide the mode of delivery- face to face or online. Take the convenient appointment to ensure that HCP has time to listen.
Siempre que hay una objeción es una oportunidad de conocer más las necesidades, inquietudes, dudas entre otras cosas para un profesional de la salud. Es importante confirmar wue esa objeción sea real y no esté disfrazada por algún temor que el profesional de la salud tenga. Una vez confirmada las objeción si puede ser de ayuda compartir una historia verdadera que refleje la solución a las objeción para que cobre sentido al médico.
Storytelling marks the end of the preparation journey and the beginning of the customer engagement journey. First, you must understand your customer’s needs, particularly any unmet needs. Then, offer a solution that fills that gap. Summarize your competitive advantage in a few words, based on your understanding of the target market, audience, and competitive landscape. Next, craft your story script, and finally, customize the story to resonate with your target customer.
Lived experience and sincerity beats scripted or corporate approved perspectives “method acting” and in addition you need to listen and talk using the number of ears:mouth ratio to be effective.
Only if the story is formed by your clients words, otherwise, please. Force feeding in a gentle tone is how mums try to feed kids vegetables. Also, patients health is at stake here. Unless you are marketing a life saving product that has a irrevocable risk benefit, do understand doctor's profile of patients that your product brings benefit for. We have certain level of responsibility to society and to our conscience as well as our wallets.
The first step before storytelling is objection clarification . In most cases , there is a hidden issue which can be clarified through complete feedback collection & meetings with clear objectives and reaching a common area of agreement. After those 2 steps , we can reach a clear storytelling scenario to meet the actual needs of the customer and set a clear plan ( short-term & long-term)
Using storytelling can be an effective way to overcome objections from healthcare clients by making your message more relatable, engaging, and impactful. Here's how you can apply storytelling strategically: Introduce the Hero – Your Product or Solution: Shift the story to explain how another provider used your product (e.g.,medication) to address the issue. Use Data-Backed Stories for Credibility: After integrating our product, Clinic X saw a 20% improvement in patient outcomes within three months. End with a Call to Action through a Positive Outcome: Imagine how your patients could benefit from similar outcomes.
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