Le membre de votre équipe vedette n’est pas performant. Comment relancez-vous leur potentiel de réussite de projet ?
Découvrir que le meilleur membre de votre équipe est à la traîne peut être alarmant, mais avec la bonne approche, vous pouvez l’aider à rebondir. Pour relancer leur potentiel :
- Engagez un dialogue de soutien pour comprendre les problèmes sous-jacents auxquels ils peuvent être confrontés.
- Fixez-vous des objectifs clairs et réalisables pour fournir une orientation et un sentiment d’accomplissement.
- Offrir des opportunités de développement professionnel pour renouveler leurs compétences et leurs intérêts.
Comment inspirez-vous un membre de l’équipe autrefois très performant qui a connu une crise ?
Le membre de votre équipe vedette n’est pas performant. Comment relancez-vous leur potentiel de réussite de projet ?
Découvrir que le meilleur membre de votre équipe est à la traîne peut être alarmant, mais avec la bonne approche, vous pouvez l’aider à rebondir. Pour relancer leur potentiel :
- Engagez un dialogue de soutien pour comprendre les problèmes sous-jacents auxquels ils peuvent être confrontés.
- Fixez-vous des objectifs clairs et réalisables pour fournir une orientation et un sentiment d’accomplissement.
- Offrir des opportunités de développement professionnel pour renouveler leurs compétences et leurs intérêts.
Comment inspirez-vous un membre de l’équipe autrefois très performant qui a connu une crise ?
If a star performer is under performing, then it can be sorted out just over a coffee. Start a casual converstaion and understand the reason behind the lag. By the time the conversation is over, he/she is already ready to jump up and high!!
When a top team member’s performance declines, it’s crucial to engage in a supportive conversation to identify any underlying challenges. Active listening helps uncover personal or professional issues that may be affecting their work. Set clear, achievable goals to provide direction and foster a sense of accomplishment. Offering opportunities for skill development can reignite their motivation and interest. Providing continuous feedback, both positive and constructive, ensures they stay aligned with team objectives. As a leader, demonstrate trust in their abilities and offer consistent support. By doing so, you can help them regain their full potential and contribute to the project's success.
It is very important to have an empathetic and supportive conversation with the concern team member ro understand the underlying issue. As humble gesture offer help and support if there is any personal issue. If there is professional issue with any team member then resolve it sensitively or related to work then understand the aspirations and provide right guidance.
Podría hacer sugerencias para solucionar el problema y alentar al empleado a fijar metas y hacer sus propias recomendaciones . Buscar oportunidades para rediseñar el puesto o capacitarlo en función de la causa del bajo rendimiento. Si los problemas son de naturaleza personal, podría proponer que se tome un tiempo libre para abordarlos.
comece reconhecendo suas conquistas passadas, reforçando o impacto que elas tiveram. Ouça ativamente para entender desafios e frustrações. Reforce o propósito do trabalho e defina metas menores e alcançáveis para recuperar a confiança gradualmente. Mostre confiança no potencial de superação e ofereça suporte prático, como mentorias ou recursos necessários. Por fim, celebre cada avanço, por menor que seja, e deixe claro que o valor dessa pessoa vai além dos resultados momentâneos.
When a star team member underperforms, I begin by approaching them with empathy to understand the challenges they may be facing—whether personal, professional, or related to resources. By revisiting their strengths and past successes, I help them refocus and regain their confidence. I then set clear, achievable goals and offer support, such as mentoring or training, to reignite their engagement. Recognizing their efforts and celebrating small wins boosts morale and aligns them with the project's success.
A primeira abordagem eficaz é sempre uma conversa em particular. Apresentar números que justifiquem o argumento apresentado pela queda de produção/ rendimento. Abrir espaço para o colaborador explicar o que está acontecendo e tentar uma abordagem menos formal no decorrer da conversa a fim de que o colaborador se sinta mais à vontade, deixando assim, fluir melhor a conversa. A partir daí, encontrado o problema principal, sugerir melhorias e ajudas.
Begin with a supportive conversation: "Hi [Team Member], I’ve noticed a dip in your performance lately, and I wanted to check in. You've always been a strong performer, so I’m concerned. Is there anything going on that’s affecting your work, or any support you need from me? Let's see how we can get you back to feeling confident and performing at your best. How about we set some clear, achievable goals for the next few weeks and touch base regularly to discuss your progress?" I believe that this approach shows your care for their well-being, invites them to share any underlying issues, and provides a path forward with actionable steps to reignite their potential.
. Comece educando sua equipe sobre princípios ágeis por meio de workshops ou sessões de treinamento. Implemente as práticas de forma gradual, começando com pequenas partes do projeto, como reuniões diárias ou sprints curtos. Defina claramente os papéis, designando um product owner ou scrum master para facilitar o processo. Promova a colaboração entre os membros da equipe, incentivando a comunicação e o trabalho em conjunto. Adote um planejamento iterativo, permitindo ajustes regulares com base em feedback e necessidades em mudança. Utilize ferramentas ágeis (como Trello) para facilitar o rastreamento de tarefas e a transparência, e incentive ciclos de feedback contínuos para aprimorar o trabalho ao longo do projeto.
When your star performer is off their game, it's time to listen and get a sense of what changed in their internal value prop. Listen to what they care about, and show them you care about their future. I find people work for narratives we can often no see. IN startups employees often are there for the mission. Good missions are hard to find. Your top performer is not failing, they are just not aligned with their goals.
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