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L’un des défis de la création de personas est de trouver le bon équilibre entre largeur et profondeur. Vous ne voulez pas avoir trop de personas qui rendent votre segmentation trop complexe et confuse, ou trop peu qui rendent votre segmentation trop vague et générique. Une bonne règle de base est d’avoir entre 3 et 5 personas, selon la taille et la diversité de votre marché. Vous pouvez également hiérarchiser vos personas en fonction de leur valeur potentielle, de leur impact et de leur pertinence par rapport à vos objectifs commerciaux.
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Personas are archetypes of your company’s ideal customers.
Solid personas offer benefits like improved targeting, enhanced product development, and a streamlined sales process.
Dig into your data and collaborate across the revenue team: product, sales, marketing, customer success, and enablement. While 3-5 personas is best practice, adjust for purchase price; higher consideration purchases require more.
Customer acquisition, retention, and expansion strategies can inform their build. Balance breadth and depth to cover market variability. Distinguish between users (product) and buyers (GTM). Differentiating decision-makers from influencers strengthens personas, making them more actionable and effective.
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You should have around 4 but you should consider dividing them based on their decision making power. Personas can be divided as strategic and above the decision making line (ATL) or operational and below the decision making line (BTL)
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Identify all of the personas that you could end up targeting and that could be part of the decision-making/buyer group. Once you identify them, build them out in detail to uncover their unique situation, pain points, the impact your product can have on them, and any critical events that could drive urgency. Once you have them built out, determine the 3-4 that have the largest pain that needs to be solved urgently with a critical event attached.
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Excellent question. However, I don’t agree with the idea that the number of personas should be limited to between 3 and 5. Such a restriction seems artificial and might prevent us from gaining valuable insights. This kind of limitation is commonly found in age-specific or industry-specific segmentation. Instead, I’d suggest adopting a consumer segmentation approach focused on the specific problems faced by the users. Such an approach allows the creation of personalized user journeys, enabling us to cater to the users' needs directly instead of merely considering their age.
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Creating personas is a nuanced task requiring a balance between specificity and comprehensiveness. Too many personas can muddle your strategy, while too few may overlook key customer segments.
Aiming for 3 to 5 personas is a pragmatic approach, tailored to the market's size and diversity. Prioritizing personas on potential value and alignment with business objectives can further streamline focus, ensuring a clear, actionable insight.
This strategy cultivates a deeper understanding of your target audience, fostering a more effective, resonant engagement strategy.
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Common mistakes and pitfalls to avoid when creating and using personas include:
1.Making assumptions without research.
2.Overcomplicating personas with unnecessary details.
3.Failing to update personas regularly.
4.Ignoring diverse perspectives and demographics.
5.Using personas as a rigid template rather than a guiding tool.
6.Not involving stakeholders in the persona creation process.
7.Focusing too much on demographics and neglecting psychographics.
8.Creating too many personas, leading to confusion.
9.Not validating personas with real data or feedback.
10.Treating personas as static rather than evolving representations.
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In addition to the number of personas, consider the interactions between them, as they often don’t operate in silos. Understanding the dynamics between different personas can offer nuanced insights for your GTM strategy. For instance, in a B2B setup, the end-user, the decision-maker, and the influencer might have varying levels of impact on the purchasing decision. Prioritise personas not just on potential value but also on the ease of reaching and converting them.
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As a baseline, I recommend defining at least one persona for each crucial role in your buying center.
Depending on the amount and type of target segments, these personas might be extended accordingly:
1) Champion/ Influencer: your internal sponsor who drives the initiative
2) Buyer Persona - decides on budget
3) User Persona - will use the product and engage with customer success
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Creating persona's in isolation by one department, e.g. marketing, will often lead to low adoption and implementation. Create these as one GTM team, bringing together market knowledge and internal insights from across departments.
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What are common persona mistakes?" This question resonates with entrepreneurs like TechGenius, who learned the hard way. They initially overgeneralized and stereotyped personas, neglecting research and using static profiles. But they adapted, creating dynamic personas grounded in data and updating them regularly. Their journey emphasizes the importance of accurate, evolving personas for informed decision-making. Learn from their mistakes, craft effective personas.
2S’appuyer sur des hypothèses ou des données périmées
Une autre erreur courante consiste à baser vos personas sur des hypothèses, des stéréotypes ou des données obsolètes. Cela peut conduire à des personas inexacts ou non pertinents qui ne reflètent pas les besoins, les préférences et les comportements réels de vos clients. Pour éviter cela, vous devez utiliser des sources de données fiables, telles que des enquêtes, des entretiens, des analyses, des commentaires et des médias sociaux. Vous devez également mettre à jour vos personas régulièrement, car votre marché et vos clients peuvent changer au fil du temps.
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This is huge. Often times we make assumptions based upon how our products help our personas without actually gathering feedback from them.
Quick gut check. Task yourself to spend 60 seconds explaining what your personas do day in & day out and have the talk track be completely unrelated to your product.
If you can do this, you know your personas. If you can’t, your definitions are based upon ill informed assumptions.
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Percebo que a chave para evitar suposições e dados desatualizados está na constante observação e análise. Além de recorrer às fontes confiáveis já mencionadas, é fundamental que a coleta de dados seja feita de forma contínua, para que possamos manter nossas personas relevantes em tempo real. Outro ponto crucial é diversificar as fontes de dados, incorporando insights de equipes de vendas, suporte ao cliente e outras áreas que têm contato direto com o público. Dessa forma, garantimos uma visão holística e atualizada dos nossos clientes.
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Make use of advanced analytics, behavioural tracking, and AI tools for actionable insights about your audience rather than relying solely on traditional methods like surveys and interviews. This way, you can capture real-time data with tools like ChatGPT Bing plugin, which will help in keeping your personas updated. Furthermore, consider having a system in place for continuous learning and adaptation to new market data to keep your personas relevant.
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One common mistake in creating and using personas is relying on assumptions or outdated data. This can lead to personas that don't accurately represent the target audience, resulting in ineffective strategies and solutions. To avoid this pitfall, ensure that persona development is based on thorough research and current data, including feedback from real users. Regularly update personas to reflect changes in audience preferences, behaviors, and demographics, ensuring they remain relevant and useful for guiding decision-making processes.
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Keeping personas accurate and relevant demands a commitment to current, reliable data sources and regular updates, ensuring alignment with evolving customer needs and market dynamics while steering clear of outdated assumptions or stereotypes.
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I'd like to point out that modifications in persona profiles don’t profoundly affect your GTM strategy, given their gradual evolution, unlike the dynamic tactics of your competitors and the new functionalities they launch in the market. Your strategy's optimal trajectory is intricately woven between user necessities and competitive propositions, necessitating vigilant surveillance of both aspects. In our practice at, we maintain that in rapidly fluctuating markets, updating competitive intelligence might be requisite on a weekly basis.
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I am a huge fan of cross-checking any assumptions with real-world data and evidence. Great sources are:
1) Your current pipeline
2) Recently onboarded new customers
3) Your best customers, measured by NRR
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Quantitative is great (I'm a fan!). But nothing beats a "Day in the Life" interview with a member of your personas. Typically the GTM teams consuming your Persona doc have never met anyone in that role. Have a structured and unstructured section to ask questions at the end.
3Rendre vos personas trop détaillés ou trop vagues
Un personnage doit être concis et clair, mais aussi riche et réaliste. Vous ne voulez pas rendre votre personnage trop détaillé pour qu’il devienne écrasant ou trop vague pour qu’il devienne dénué de sens. Un persona doit inclure les éléments suivants : un nom, une photo, un profil démographique, un profil psychographique, un point douloureux, un objectif et une proposition de valeur. Vous pouvez également ajouter des éléments facultatifs, tels qu’une citation, une histoire, un scénario ou une carte de parcours, pour rendre votre personnage plus attrayant et plus accessible.
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In my experience, a lot of companies don't update these as frequently as they should be or are too vague.
Vague meaning just...
age, title, industry, job function, education level.
It's not enough.
You need to get super specific with your audience.
You need to uncover:
↪ what prevents them from reaching their goals
↪ what content they prefer (and where)
↪ what they love, what they hate
↪ their motivations
↪ their lifestyles
↪ their interests
↪ their values
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Uma abordagem equilibrada é essencial ao criar personas. É crucial criar personas que tenham um equilíbrio entre detalhes suficientes para fornecer uma compreensão clara e pontos-chave fáceis de comunicar. Ao incluir elementos opcionais, como histórias de fundo e mapas de jornada, é fundamental buscar a conexão emocional com os perfis, pois isso pode ajudar a tornar as personas mais memoráveis para todos os membros da equipe. Por outro lado, quando criamos personas vagas, podemos perder oportunidades valiosas de entender nuances comportamentais que impulsionam a tomada de decisões.
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The granularity of your ideal customer description should align closely with your capacity to leverage this data effectively. If persona portraits are guiding the customization of your advertising platforms, a clear comprehension of your audience's demographics, hobbies, and goals is imperative. For advertising creatives, an emphasis on the audience's pains and sought-after solutions is crucial. When crafting a comprehensive customer journey for each segment, a nuanced understanding of the buying triggers and unique reservations of the audience is necessary. Such a nuanced approach ensures that your segmentation is purposeful, facilitating a more personalized interaction with users
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Failing to plan is planning to fail - I see this too often, especially with personas. If you don't get them build them in detail, test, measure, and optimize you will waste time, resources, and money. None of which you will get back.
Ensure you have the following built for each persona:
Situation (Current Solutions, Goals)
Pain (Challenges)
Impact (Desired Outcomes)
Critical Event
Decision-makers & Criteria
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Balancing detail and clarity is crucial in crafting personas. Too much detail can overwhelm, while vagueness dilutes their effectiveness. Ensure personas include key elements like demographics, psychographics, pain points, goals, and value propositions, with optional elements to enhance engagement without losing focus.
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Aside from the suggested elements, consider adding behavioural triggers and channels of preference to your personas. Knowing what actions or events prompt your personas to move along the buying journey and where they prefer to interact with your brand can be instrumental in crafting a more precise GTM strategy.
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What helps me to find the perfect sweet spot between too detailed and too vague is to think about daily operations and feedback loops between Marketing, Sales, Customer Success, and Product. Unfortunately, I see so many companies that try to gather extensive information, but a lot of CRM data fields are empty.
Practically speaking, this could look like this:
1) Who is this person: Job title/ department, Education, Interests
2) Daily Life: Jobs to be done, Responsibilities, Challenges/ Pains
3) Objectives: Personal goals, Professional goals, KPIs to measure success
4) Work Environment: Software used, Complimentary services, Buying process
5) Trigger/ Buying Intent
6) Disqualification Criterias 🚥
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Personas are simply a tool to help you sell and market to a particular audience better because you are better tuned into their attitudes, behaviors, and beliefs.
Some marketers go overboard here like they are creating fan fiction or something. Focusing on the personas values (what do they want), challenges (what keeps them up at night), and buying behaviors (where do they spend time or learn how to solve challenges) are helpful.
4Utiliser vos personas de manière incohérente ou pas du tout
Créer des personas ne suffit pas. Vous devez les utiliser de manière cohérente et efficace tout au long de votre stratégie de mise sur le marché. Vous ne voulez pas utiliser vos personas une seule fois ou sporadiquement, ou pas du tout. Cela peut entraîner des messages, des produits ou des services marketing incohérents ou inefficaces qui ne trouvent pas d’écho auprès de vos clients. Pour éviter cela, vous devez communiquer vos personas à votre équipe et à vos parties prenantes, les intégrer dans vos outils et plateformes marketing et les aligner sur vos segments de clientèle et vos étapes d’acheteur.
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To build success across go-to-market teams, create personas with input from product, sales, marketing, customer success, enablement, and revenue ops. This breaks down silos and ensures comprehensiveness.
Develop a feedback loop to test and iterate personas twice a year. Involve enablement early to create training programs and integration plans. Set up a dedicated Slack channel for personas and integrate them into your GTM workflows, tools, and platforms.
Consistency across product, sales, customer success, and marketing will help your messages and products resonate with current and future customers and partners. Align personas with customer segments and buyer stages to use them effectively throughout your go-to-market strategy.
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The granularity of your ideal customer description should closely match your ability to effectively use that data. When persona portraits guide the customization of your advertising platforms, a clear understanding of your audience's demographics, hobbies, and goals is essential.
For advertising creatives, an emphasis on audience pain points and desired solutions is critical.
Creating a comprehensive customer journey for each segment requires a nuanced understanding of the audience's buying triggers and unique concerns. Such a nuanced approach ensures that your segmentation is purposeful and facilitates a more personalized interaction with users.
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Give your personas...personality. Bring your personas to life by working them into presentations, conversations, data analysis, pitches, etc.
If you bring a persona to life, then you'll be more likely to use them. Have your team all know who the personas are. Craft them together. As they grow in your mind and company, revisit the profiles you made and update.
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Consistent and effective use of personas is vital for a successful go-to-market strategy. Ensure they're integrated into your marketing tools, communicated to your team, and aligned with customer segments to avoid inconsistent messaging and ensure resonance with your audience.
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Ensure your personas evolve with the lifecycle stages of your customers. From awareness to advocacy, understanding how your personas change over time will help in delivering the right message at the right time. Establish a common language or coding system for your personas to ensure consistency across all customer-facing and product-development teams.
Enfin, vous devez valider et tester vos personas pour vous assurer qu’ils sont précis et utiles. Vous ne voulez pas vous fier à vos propres hypothèses ou opinions, ni ignorer les commentaires et les résultats de vos clients. Cela peut conduire à des personnages trompeurs ou obsolètes qui ne vous aident pas à atteindre vos objectifs commerciaux. Pour éviter cela, vous devez valider vos personas avec de vrais clients, tester vos messages marketing, produits ou services avec vos personas, et mesurer et optimiser vos performances en fonction de vos personas.
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A validação e o teste contínuo das personas são essenciais para garantir que estamos no caminho certo. É fundamental a realização de testes A/B com diferentes mensagens e ofertas direcionadas a várias personas para ver qual ressoa melhor com cada grupo. Além disso, a prática de envolver as personas em etapas significativas do desenvolvimento de produtos ou campanhas pode nos ajudar a antecipar necessidades e desejos futuros. Essa abordagem ativa garante que as personas sejam não apenas úteis, mas também eficazes na construção de estratégias de sucesso.
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The most common misstep is "Assumption" & the first best step is to rule it out and focus on facts and real experiences.
Here is why it matters:
- Wasted Resources: Not validating personas can result in misguided marketing efforts and resource allocation, leading to lower ROI
- Stagnancy: Customer behavior evolves, and failing to validate personas can result in outdated strategies that no longer resonate with the audience
- Lack of Empathy: Without testing, we may miss out on crucial psychographic attributes
The most promising sections of a customer persona profile will include:
Psychographic Attributes
Goals and Challenges
Behavior and Preferences
Customer Journey Maps
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It's crucial to validate and test your personas to ensure their accuracy and usefulness. Incorporating feedback from real customers and testing marketing strategies against personas helps avoid misleading or outdated representations, ensuring alignment with business objectives.
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Personas can be a useful starting point for learning, but I find it concerning when individuals become too fixated on a persona or personality test. We are complex beings and cannot be defined by a simple label or number. I believe that validating and testing ideas is essential to turn concepts into tangible realities.
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It's crucial to adopt an iterative approach to persona validation to ensure they remain accurate and reflective of your market. Establishing feedback channels with frontline teams like sales and customer support, and, where possible, directly with customers, will provide valuable insights for refining personas. Utilise A/B testing to gauge the effectiveness of your messaging and value propositions for each persona. Make the validation process a routine activity, with set intervals for reviewing and updating personas based on collected feedback and market shifts. This will help in maintaining personas that are both useful and relevant, aiding in better alignment of your GTM strategies with market realities.
Il s’agit d’un espace pour partager des exemples, des histoires ou des idées qui ne correspondent à aucune des sections précédentes. Que voudriez-vous ajouter d’autre?
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Another significant problem when developing and using personas is marketers often get so wrapped up in the creation of the personas that they forget they are just that -- a persona. Some marketers may even get defensive if people criticize the personas and become unwilling to change them.
They've forgotten that the persona is just a construct, so it's nothing more than a representation of aggregated representative characteristics. Personas don't represent absolute truth. They're just a tool, designed to help guide marketers.
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I often observe B2B marketers make the mistake of communicating with a persona as if they are a company in lieu of a person. For example, an email platform might insert (John), but the opening sentence may say something along the lines of "How is X company staying ahead of the competition?" John already knows his name is automated. It's more effective to deliver copy in a style that is conversational in tone so he doesn't feel he's being spoken to as a robot. In this way, we B2B marketers benefit from observing tactics deployed by our B2C counterparts.
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For early stage companies with limited resources, an in-depth exercise may be counterproductive. Here's why, you need to have a clear understanding of your ICP and your sales and marketing functions must be dialed in on the ICP. Developing multiple personas may feel productive, but may also dilute your resources and efforts.
For more mature and larger organizations, personas can be quite helpful. This is especially true when there are multiple use cases or stakeholders for your product or service. Personas are a tool to help you explore the nuances, attitudes, behaviors, and beliefs of various buyer groups.
Be thoughtful to consider whether developing personas will be helpful or counterproductive based on the maturity of your company.
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