Votre équipe a finalisé la conception de l’algorithme. Comment gérez-vous les clients qui exigent des changements ?
Une fois la conception de l’algorithme définie, il est crucial de gérer les demandes de modifications des clients avec tact. Pour relever ce défi :
- Établissez des limites en décrivant la portée et les étapes des révisions dans le contrat initial.
- Communiquer l’impact des changements sur les délais et les coûts, en assurant la transparence.
- Offrir des solutions qui s’alignent à la fois sur l’intégrité du projet et sur les besoins du client.
Comment conciliez-vous la satisfaction des clients et la faisabilité du projet ? Partagez vos stratégies.
Votre équipe a finalisé la conception de l’algorithme. Comment gérez-vous les clients qui exigent des changements ?
Une fois la conception de l’algorithme définie, il est crucial de gérer les demandes de modifications des clients avec tact. Pour relever ce défi :
- Établissez des limites en décrivant la portée et les étapes des révisions dans le contrat initial.
- Communiquer l’impact des changements sur les délais et les coûts, en assurant la transparence.
- Offrir des solutions qui s’alignent à la fois sur l’intégrité du projet et sur les besoins du client.
Comment conciliez-vous la satisfaction des clients et la faisabilité du projet ? Partagez vos stratégies.
When clients demand changes after finalizing the algorithm design, I would do these things; Acknowledge Their Concern: Start with understanding and validating their request. Explain Impact: Highlight the implications of changes on project. Collaborate: Show willingness to find a solution together. Reaffirm Commitment: End on a positive note.
1. Understand the Request: Engage with the client to clarify their needs and the business impact of the changes. 2. Evaluate Feasibility: Assess the technical and timeline implications of the requested changes on the existing design. 3. Prioritize Changes: Align requests with project goals, prioritizing those with high impact and minimal disruption. 4. Communicate Trade-offs: Transparently explain the potential impact on timelines, costs, or performance to manage expectations. 5. Implement Iteratively: Introduce changes incrementally to ensure stability and allow for client feedback.
En mi experiencia hay que tratar a los clientes con empatía y transparencia. Cuando pones tus cartas sobre la mesa, con honestidad, habiendo hecho un buen trabajo y habiendo reportado periódicamente los avances, los clientes responden de la misma manera. Entonces, si es necesario, se abre un diálogo sobre un cambio de alcance y los clientes entienden los límites y se adaptan a ellos o buscan la forma de ampliar el presupuesto. En todas y casa una de las veces que he encontrado conflictos en este sentido ha habido detrás un mal trabajo por parte de mi equipo. O bien no se habían reportado a tiempo los problemas de alcance, o se habían escondido errores de planificación, o no se había construido el equipo correcto... Nunca nada inevitable.
Clients and algorithm design rarely mix. Clients expect value, provided by a system, based on requirements and finally implemented by an algorithm. The algorithm design should accommodate for the requirements and provide value but is typically hidden from the client or user.
Start with evaluation of the request & its feasibility & impact, plan changes with their costs & potential alternatives, & clearly negotiate with the clients to maintain their engagement & approval to be sure all stakeholders are agreeing with the changes & the impact on cost, time, quality, etc. & document it!
Reunindo com a equipe técnica para discutir os impactos no projeto e logo em seguida comunicando ao cliente o impacto das mudanças nos cronogramas e custos, garantindo a transparência e a satisfação de ambas as partes.
When clients demand changes after your team have finalized the algorithm design, it is crucial to balance their expectations with the project’s scope and timeline. Start by listening to the clients to fully understand their needs and why the changes are being requested. Clearly explain the potential impacts of these changes on the timeline, budget, and technical feasibility. If possible, offer alternative solutions that address their concerns without requiring a complete overhaul of the design. By maintaining open communication, documenting all adjustments, and aligning expectations, you can ensure the client feels heard while keeping the project on track.
If there was an initial agreement, that should contain also eventual points for last minute changes. If the program aligns with the requested logic the modification should be postponed for the next release. If we are still in a design phase and not moved into testing. Instead, it can be beneficial to listen to the customer needs. Our analysts may have made some mistakes and the requested change maybe needed. The best boundary to use is a timeline.
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