La lenteur des stocks affecte vos opérations de vente au détail. Comment pouvez-vous libérer efficacement du capital et de l’espace ?
Vous êtes curieux d’optimiser votre espace de vente ? Partagez vos stratégies pour faire face aux stocks à rotation lente.
La lenteur des stocks affecte vos opérations de vente au détail. Comment pouvez-vous libérer efficacement du capital et de l’espace ?
Vous êtes curieux d’optimiser votre espace de vente ? Partagez vos stratégies pour faire face aux stocks à rotation lente.
Looking towards the increasing rate metal cost day by day it will always be a wise decision to melt and remake a new design if it is a very slow moving product.
We must find ways to sell the unsalable inventory, such as discounts and coupons. The best way is to develop new products with similar products and then ship them randomly.
Freeing up capital and space from slow-moving inventory requires a strategic approach. Start with targeted discounts or bundle slow sellers with popular items to drive demand. Use data to refine forecasting and avoid future overstock, and consider liquidating excess through third-party platforms for quick cash recovery. Repurpose slow items as in-store demos, and negotiate with suppliers for returns or markdowns to share the load. Implement just-in-time (JIT) practices for selected items to reduce storage needs. Proactive inventory management strengthens cash flow and boosts operational flexibility.
El capital de trabajo es lo más valioso que debemos tomar en consideración en nuestras actividades y parte de ello es la gestión del inventario, debemos tener en cuenta lo siguiente: -Calcular el stock de seguridad. -Revisar el ciclo de abastecimiento. -Orden y limpieza en los almacenes. -Centralizar pedidos (evaluar esta opción). -Planificar pedidos conforme últimos meses (evaluando si hay estacionalidades). -Calcular el stock ideal de acuerdo a estos nuevos parámetros. -Seguimiento y recalcular continuamente. Estos son algunos puntos que debemos considerar para lograr alcanzar el stock ideal y liberar capital “ocioso”
Never wait for slow moving inventory to clear out on its own. Never wait for profit margin on the inventory which is stuck. Immediate clearance - sooner the better as this will help you in the core business !!!
Safdar Shah
Unit Head Evaluation (NBEs) & Training, Compliance & Controls Group at MCB Bank Limited.
Cost benifit analysis is made while disposing off slow moving inventory through opted way which suits to benefit over cost Moment at which benefit gains value over cost is crutial to convert slow moving inventory into cash which is essential to meet business obligations in production challenges and to clear due liabilities well in time Right decession at right moment redirects business on progressive way & same is very meaningful to get actual benefit and to avoid stuck up situation, . following ways may be considered for subject matter 1: Discount is offered to public at end of each season product 2: There is a balance in demand supply equation for each product. 3: Contractors are offered special discount on bulk quantity.
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