Les participants ne sont pas satisfaits de l’interactivité de la session. Comment pouvez-vous améliorer leur expérience ?
Lorsque les participants expriment leur mécontentement à l’égard de l’interactivité, il est temps de réorganiser l’expérience de la session. Pour améliorer l’engagement, envisagez de :
- Introduire des sondages en direct ou des segments de questions-réponses pour encourager la participation.
- Utiliser les salles de discussion pour les discussions en petits groupes afin d’approfondir les liens.
- Incorporer des éléments de gamification pour rendre l’apprentissage amusant et mémorable.
Quelles stratégies avez-vous trouvées efficaces pour augmenter l’interactivité des sessions ?
Les participants ne sont pas satisfaits de l’interactivité de la session. Comment pouvez-vous améliorer leur expérience ?
Lorsque les participants expriment leur mécontentement à l’égard de l’interactivité, il est temps de réorganiser l’expérience de la session. Pour améliorer l’engagement, envisagez de :
- Introduire des sondages en direct ou des segments de questions-réponses pour encourager la participation.
- Utiliser les salles de discussion pour les discussions en petits groupes afin d’approfondir les liens.
- Incorporer des éléments de gamification pour rendre l’apprentissage amusant et mémorable.
Quelles stratégies avez-vous trouvées efficaces pour augmenter l’interactivité des sessions ?
I am happy to share an approach we’ve been using effectively for the past eight years i.e. Interactive Session. This innovative format fosters informal, yet highly productive discussions by organizing participants into pre-decided groups. Each table or group includes a mix of experts and delegates, which encourages diverse perspectives and in-depth conversations. By breaking into smaller, focused groups, we’ve found that interactions become more dynamic and discussions more meaningful. This setup not only enhances engagement but also leads to valuable problem-solving and actionable insights. It's been incredibly rewarding to witness the positive impact this format has had on our events and the quality of the exchanges among participants.
During a keynote on “The Future of FinTech,” the speaker pauses halfway and launches a live poll asking, “Which FinTech trend do you think will have the biggest impact in the next five years?” Attendees can choose from options like blockchain, AI, or digital wallets. The speaker then discusses the results and invites attendees to submit questions in a live Q&A, responding to them in real time. This creates an engaging dialogue between the speaker and the audience, increasing their involvement.
To ensure attendees are well-suited for sessions and activities, it’s important to select participants based on their interests and qualifications. This helps avoid low engagement or unproductive sessions. Make sure that attendees meet the necessary criteria for participation, bringing only those who are a good fit for the activity, even if this results in fewer participants than initially targeted. The focus should be on quality over quantity to maximize the effectiveness of the session.
The application of blooms taxonomy on the content make a good transformation on the content. Recently, I was engaged as an instructor with an educational consultant to transform the content to engaging and interactive with the participants and audience. I realize that it is very effective method to analyze the content and prepare it in a such a way that will be very fruitful for them.
Incorpore Elementos Visuais e Multimídia: Use apresentações visuais, vídeos e gráficos para tornar o conteúdo mais dinâmico e manter o interesse dos participantes.
Realize Atividades Práticas: Se possível, inclua atividades práticas ou exercícios que permitam aos participantes aplicar o que estão aprendendo em situações reais.
Envolva os Participantes em Decisões: Permita que os participantes façam escolhas sobre o que gostariam de explorar mais profundamente ou quais tópicos preferem discutir.
The topic and time will shape the activity. I think handouts are helpful for attendees to reference when they are back in their offices. Introspective questions that allow for attendees to reflect allows participants to pause and process information. One goal of your session should be to allow audience members to connect. The best practices may be shared after the workshop, during the conference, or through discussion posts on social media when the conference is over.
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