Atrina Building Automation

Atrina Building Automation


Tehran ، Tehran ۳۳۳ دنبال کنندگان

Specialized Wholesaler of KNX devices, KNX++ training center. Distribuidor KNX,

در باره ما

Atrina Company founded in 2012with the aim of serves intelligent building Company's founder with accurate analyze of market requests and competitive capability of other companies and recognition the appropriate target of the market emprise services to residential building qua Atrina known as leader in intelligent residential building market. Choosing KNX Standard which is one of the effective and more used protocols of intelligent building and also choosing ABB brand which is one of the well known company in electrical industry in all over the world and also one of the originator of KNX protocol with concentration and proficiency of founder to emprise international services causes reputation for Atrina company. Collection of Atrina control product also includes 7other brands such as: ABB/Busch-jaeger/i-luxus/Hager /orvibo which are explained later. Atrina has 80 employee whom has the highest number of KNX certified in all over the country and this is another emblem of honor for this company. In order to develop covering the control services Atrina Building Automation emprise to cooperate with other companies which are working in the same field, which this cooperation include training and technical services and supply products for other companies requirement Atrina KNX Training center is a space for the exchange of knowledge and the innovation. With more than 10 years’ experience in building\'s projects and training in building\'s products, we offer a top quality & unique training experience to each applicant in Middle East to all those who like to participate in KNX communityOur training portfolio includes world-wide certificated programs and services for continuous learning. All services are designed for professionals whom want to improve their technical knowledge and, therefore, enhance their leadership and management skills. Atrina is an independent player on the market Which has known as first official member of KNX Association in Iran

اندازه شرکت
11-50 کارمندان
Tehran, Tehran
شرکت عمومی


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