Loci Labs ha compartido esto
Tenemos el placer de compartir que firmamos con Future Biome un acuerdo de colaboración para que el prebiótico propiedad de Future Biome pueda ser recomendado e incluido en los planes de hábitos de los participantes del Programa Rewel, de Héritas SA. Future Biome proporcionará a Héritas SA su producto para individuos participantes del Programa Rewel. Los prebióticos son sustancias que estimulan y modulan el crecimiento y función de bacterias beneficiosas en el intestino. BiotaBliss de Future Biome es una fibra prebiótica producida a partir de micelios de hongos cultivados por vía líquida mediante fermentación en biorreactores, que está demostrando seguridad y eficacia durante su validación. El Programa Rewel realiza el estudio genético para establecer la composición del microbioma intestinal de cada individuo. Esta alianza colaborativa significará asociar el screening del estado basal de la microbiota intestinal con el impacto que un ingrediente de estas características puede tener sobre la mejora de su composición y diversidad para la toma de mejores decisiones nutricionales y de hábitos de vida. Future Biome and Heritas SA agree to collaborate so that the prebiotic owned by Future Biome can be recommended and included in the habit plans of participants in the Rewel Program, of Héritas SA. Based on this agreement, Future Biome will provide Héritas SA with its product to be included in the habit plans of individuals participating in the Rewel Program. Prebiotics are substances that stimulate and modulate the growth and function of beneficial bacteria in the intestine. BiotaBliss by Future Biome is a prebiotic fiber produced from fungal mycelia grown in liquid form by fermentation in bioreactors, which demonstrates safety and efficacy during its validation. The Rewel Program is characterized by conducting a genetic study to establish each individual's intestinal microbiome composition. This collaborative alliance will mean associating the screening of the basal state of the intestinal microbiota with the impact that an ingredient of these characteristics can have on the improvement of its composition and diversity for making better nutritional decisions and lifestyle habits. Martin Vazquez, CSO, and Héritas co-founder said: “We are delighted to collaborate with Future Biome since we know first-hand the quality of their research and the seriousness with which they have worked during the validation process". @Martín Larre, Future Biome CEO said: “We are excited to join forces with Héritas and its innovative Rewell service, which are leaders in microbiome and precision medicine in the region. This partnership reflects our commitment to transforming health through solutions based on science and innovation, promoting people's well-being in a personalized and sustainable way through their microbiome”. #microbiome #health #wellbeing #collaboration #diagnostics Para acceder a mayor información: heritas.com.ar/novedades/