GUMA Business Solutions

GUMA Business Solutions

İşletme Danışmanlığı ve Hizmetleri

Empowering businesses with innovative tech, software, and consulting solutions for seamless digital transformation.


At Guma Business Solutions, we are passionate about driving digital transformation for businesses worldwide. As a dynamic technology, software, and consulting company, we empower organizations to achieve their goals through innovative and tailored solutions. We partner with industry leaders like IFS, Boomi and ICT Cloud to deliver cutting-edge technologies, while also offering our proprietary solutions — Guma HUB and Guma Cloud — designed and developed in-house by our expert R&D team. With Guma, you gain access to a comprehensive suite of tools and expertise to streamline operations, enhance connectivity, and unlock new opportunities for growth.

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İşletme Danışmanlığı ve Hizmetleri
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IFS, IFS Cloud, ERP, Implementation, Upgrade, Consulting, Manufacturing Industries, Project Industries, Service Industries, MTO, ETO, CTO, ATO, MTS, IFS Partner, Digital Transformation, Boomi ve b2b


GUMA Business Solutions şirketindeki çalışanlar


  • GUMA ve Boomi’den Türkiye’nin Dijital Geleceğine Güçlü Bir Katkı Türkiye’nin dijital dönüşüm yolculuğuna katkıda bulunmak, sadece bir iş hedefi değil, aynı zamanda milli bir sorumluluk. GUMA Business Solutions olarak, bu sorumluluk bilinciyle hareket ediyor ve global lider Boomi ile gerçekleştirdiğimiz stratejik iş birliğiyle işletmelerin ihtiyaçlarına özel, yenilikçi çözümler sunuyoruz. Boomi’nin güçlü entegrasyon ve otomasyon teknolojileri, GUMA’nın 20 yılı aşkın tecrübesiyle birleşerek, ülkemizdeki işletmelerin süreçlerini optimize etmelerine, verimliliklerini artırmalarına ve modern teknolojilere uyum sağlamalarına olanak tanıyor. Küresel ölçekte rekabetçi işletmelerin güçlenmesine katkı sağlamaktan gurur duyuyoruz. Bu iş birliğiyle Türkiye’nin dijital geleceğini hep birlikte şekillendiriyoruz. ------------------ A Strong Contribution to Turkey's Digital Future from GUMA and Boomi Contributing to Turkey's digital transformation journey is not just a business goal but also a national responsibility. At GUMA Business Solutions, we act with this sense of duty and, through our strategic partnership with global leader Boomi, deliver innovative solutions tailored to the needs of businesses. Boomi's powerful integration and automation technologies, combined with GUMA’s expertise of over 20 years, enable companies in Turkey to optimize their processes, enhance efficiency, and adapt to modern technologies. We take pride in supporting the growth of globally competitive businesses. Together, through this partnership, we are shaping Turkey's digital future. #Boomi #GUMA #dijitaldönüşüm #digitaltransformation

    Guma, Boomi İş Ortaklığıyla Türkiye’nin Dijital Dönüşümüne Güç Katmayı Hedefliyor.

    Guma, Boomi İş Ortaklığıyla Türkiye’nin Dijital Dönüşümüne Güç Katmayı Hedefliyor.

  • GUMA and Boomi: A Strategic Alliance to Transform Türkiye's Digital Landscape We are excited to announce a powerful partnership between GUMA Business Solutions and Boomi, aimed at driving innovation, enhancing customer experiences, and delivering exceptional solutions across Türkiye. With over 20 years of expertise in implementing IFS solutions, GUMA Business Solutions has established itself as a trusted partner for companies navigating the complexities of digital transformation. From managing large-scale implementation projects to providing continuous support, we help our customers streamline their operations and prepare for a sustainable future. By joining forces with Boomi, a leader in intelligent connectivity and automation, we are ready to connect applications, data, and people, enabling businesses to modernize their systems, enhance data integration, and unlock the true potential of real-time insights. This collaboration will also enable us to expand our reach and deliver tailored solutions to a broader range of industries. 🌏 Customers will benefit from: ➡️ Streamlined Processes: Faster, more efficient operations through seamless integration. ➡️ Enhanced Data Insights: Real-time analytics from multiple systems, enabling smarter decisions. ➡️ System Modernization: Future-proofing operations with scalable, agile solutions. "As the Director of Sales and Marketing at Guma Business Solutions, I am thrilled to collaborate with a global leader like Boomi. This partnership reinforces our commitment to supporting our customers’ success by delivering innovative, impactful solutions tailored to their needs," said Öznur Tekiner. Guma Business Solutions Managing Partner Göksel Sanbay stated, "At Guma, we are driven by our passion for leading transformation. This partnership with Boomi represents a significant milestone in achieving this goal. Together, we will usher in a new era of digital transformation in Turkey." #DigitalTransformation #Boomi #GumaBusinessSolutions #Innovation #TechnologyPartnership #DataIntegration #Automation #IFSCloud #BusinessSuccess #CustomerExperience #RealTimeInsights #SystemModernization #FutureOfBusiness #TurkeyInnovation #GlobalCollaboration Ahmed ElHamouly Amr Hemdan

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  • GUMA Business Solutions and Boomi Forge a Strategic Partnership to Drive Digitalization in Turkey The technology world is accelerating with new partnerships. Most recently, GUMA Business Solutions, a company specializing in digital transformation and ERP solutions, has announced its official partnership with Boomi, a global leader in cloud-based intelligent integration technologies, in Turkey. ISTANBUL — Leaders in enterprise resource planning (ERP), software, and technology continue to boost the sector's momentum with global collaborations. GUMA Business Solutions, known for its digital transformation and ERP expertise, has announced its official partnership with Boomi, a pioneer in cloud-based intelligent integration technologies, for Turkey. This partnership aims to help businesses modernize their systems, enhance data integration, and unlock the full potential of their business processes through real-time insights. The partnership was unveiled at the 33rd EASDay, hosted by the #EnterpriseTransformationPlatform and GUMA. "Our Goal is to Shape the Digital Future of Businesses" Göksel Sanbay, Managing Partner of GUMA Business Solutions, highlighted the company's rapid strides in global projects thanks to its expertise in #digitaltransformation and #IFSERP. “We are proud to provide strong and integrated solutions to our customers on their digital transformation journeys through our partnership with Boomi,” Sanbay stated. “Announced for the first time at the Enterprise Software & Technology Day we hosted, this partnership marks an important milestone. With 20 years of experience in integrated enterprise applications and IFS ERP, and the robust, AI-powered integration platform of Boomi, combined with GUMA Cloud’s services, we deliver a seamless digital transformation experience. Our goal is to position ourselves as a solution partner that stands alongside businesses while shaping their digital future. We will continue to enhance our global competitive edge with our innovative and flexible solutions.” "We Will Deliver Powerful and Integrated Solutions for Digitalization" Öznur Tekiner Şirin, Sales and Marketing Director at GUMA Business Solutions, emphasized the strengthened position this partnership provides in the market. “As the official partner of Boomi, a global leader in data integration and automation, we are thrilled to deliver powerful solutions for digitalization in Turkey. Boomi's hybrid integration capabilities enable seamless data flow and integration across cloud and on-premises systems. Its platform-independent solutions help businesses optimize their processes, make informed decisions with real-time data, and modernize their systems to prepare for the future. With this partnership, we’re excited to offer faster, more flexible, and innovative solutions, combining them with the expertise and knowledge we’ve gained from international projects to develop customer-centric, success-driven initiatives.” #Boomi #GUMA #FutureOfBusiness

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  • 30 Kasım Cumartesi günü, GUMA olarak #KurumsalDönüşümPlatformu tarafından düzenlenen 33. EASDay etkinliğine ev sahipliği yapmaktan büyük mutluluk duyduk. Alanında uzman Yönetim Danışmanları ve kıymetli Akademisyenler ile birlikte, teknoloji ve süreçlere rehberlik eden yaklaşımları ele alarak, “Global Perspektif ile Dijital Dönüşümde Entegre Çözümler” başlığı altında önemli bir tartışma platformu oluşturduk. Bir çok ülkede gerçekleştirdiğimiz #IFS ERP projelerinde kullandığımız metodolojimizi ve 20 yılı aşkın proje deneyimimizden kazandığımız yaklaşımlarımızı katılımcılarla paylaştık. #ERP projelerindeki farklı yaklaşım tarzlarımızı ve Yönetim Danışmanlarının bu süreçlere katkısını değerlendirdik. Ayrıca, GUMA’nın sunduğu hizmetlere dair detaylı bilgiler paylaştık ve bu etkinlikte ilk kez çok önemli bir duyuru yaptık: #GUMA'nın, Boomi’nin Türkiye’deki stratejik iş ortağı" olması! Boomi ile kurduğumuz bu ortaklık sayesinde, müşterilerimizin süreçlerini daha hızlı, daha verimli ve daha entegre bir şekilde yönetmelerini sağlayacak yeni nesil çözümler sunma konusundaki kararlılığımızı bir kez daha vurguladık. Bu iş birliği, GUMA’nın #dijitaldönüşümde global lider olma vizyonunu güçlendiren önemli bir adım oldu. Bunun yanı sıra, bulut tabanlı çözümlerimiz olan GUMA Cloud ve GUMA Hub platformlarına dair bilgiler sunduk. Angst Pfister Advanced Technical Solutions+Pfister Advanced Technical Solutions’ın ERP proje sürecine dair değerli bakış açılarını ise ERP Proje Yöneticisi Yunus Emre BOL’un ilham veren sunumundan dinleme fırsatı bulduk. Etkinlikte tartışılan en önemli konulardan biri, global ölçekte Yönetim Danışmanlarının rolü ile Türkiye'deki Yönetim Danışmanlarına yönelik bakış açısının karşılaştırılması oldu. Kurumsal Dönüşüm Platformu Koordinatörü m.göker sarp öncülüğünde; GUMA Business Solutions Yönetici Ortağı Göksel Sanbay ve Satış ve Pazarlama Direktörü Öznur Tekiner Şirin, MBA’nin sunumlarıyla yüksek enerji ve sinerji dolu bir etkinlik gerçekleştirdik. Divan Brasserie Beyoğlu’nun eşsiz manzarası eşliğinde keyifli bir yemekle taçlandırdık. Etkinlik, bilgi alışverişini teşvik eden ve yeni iş birlikleri ile fikirlerin gelişimine olanak tanıyan değerli bir networking platformu sağladı. Etkinliğimize katılan tüm Değerli Yönetim Danışmanlarına ve Akademisyenlere, Angst+Pfister ERP Proje Yöneticisi Yunus Emre BOL’a, Kurumsal Dönüşüm Platformu Koordinatörü m.göker sarp’a teşekkürlerimizi sunarız. #ERPProjeleri #IFSCloud #BulutÇözümleri #GUMACloud #GUMAHub #YönetimDanışmanlığı #Boomi #AngstPfister #GUMA #GUMAİşBirliği Sevgi Ustundag Hakan ERSAVASTI Alp Buluc Batuhan Kocaoglu , PhD Cahit Cengizhan Ahmet Korkmaz Mehmet Önal Bülent Fidan Kenan Berkdemir Hasmet Fevzi Cakmak Abdullah KARACA, MSc. Erdem Kodal Prof.Dr.Erkut Akkartal Haluk İrten İbrahim Akyüz ismail ekmekci Kadir Ceran, Ph.D(c) Koray TOKOL Oğuz Ş. Selami Sözer Sinan Berkdemir Tugrul ATABEY

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  • On November 30th, Saturday, GUMA had the pleasure of hosting the 33rd EASDay event organized by the #EnterpriseTransformationPlatform. Together with expert Management Consultants and esteemed Academicians, we explored “Integrated Solutions for Digital Transformation with a Global Perspective,” focusing on approaches that guide technology and processes. During the event, we discussed our unique methodologies developed through ERP projects executed across multiple countries on three continents, as well as the invaluable contributions of Management Consultants to these processes. We also shared insights about GUMA’s services and made an exciting announcement for the first time at this event: GUMA has become Boomi’s strategic partner in Turkey. With our partnership with Boomi, we are now even better positioned to offer next-generation solutions that enable our clients to manage their processes faster, more efficiently, and in a more integrated manner. This collaboration further solidifies GUMA’s vision to become a global leader in #digitaltransformation. We also highlighted our methodology implemented in IFS ERP projects across multiple countries on three continents, along with the approach we have developed through over 20 years of project experience. Additionally, we provided insights into our cloud-based solutions, GUMA Cloud and the GUMA Hub platform. During the event, we had the opportunity to hear valuable perspectives on Angst Pfister Advanced Technical Solutions ERP project journey through the inspiring presentation of ERP Project Manager Yunus Emre BOL. Participants emphasized the significant impact of GUMA’s globally-oriented approach to ERP projects and Boomi’s integration solutions in driving digital transformation processes. The event also provided a valuable networking platform, fostering knowledge exchange and paving the way for new collaborations and ideas. One of the most significant topics discussed was the comparison between the role of Management Consultants on a global scale and the perspective towards Management Consultants in Turkey. This comparison offered participants valuable insights, enabling them to approach their processes with a more strategic mindset. Under the guidance of Corporate Transformation Platform Coordinator m.göker sarp, and with presentations by GUMA Business Solutions Managing Partner Göksel Sanbay and Sales and Marketing Director Öznur Tekiner Şirin, MBA, the event was filled with energy and synergy. We crowned this remarkable day with a delightful dinner overlooking the breathtaking view at Divan Brasserie Beyoğlu. We extend our heartfelt thanks to all the Management Consultants, Academicians, Angst+Pfister ERP Project Manager Yunus Emre BOL, Corporate Transformation Platform Coordinator Göker Sarp, and the Divan team for making this event unforgettable. #ERPProjects #IFSCloud #CloudSolutions #GUMACloud #GUMAHub #ManagementConsulting #Boomi #AngstPfister #GUMA #GUMACollaboration

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  • Congratulations to IFS on the Appointment of Two Remarkable Leaders! We are thrilled to see Helena Nimmo and Debra McCowan join the IFS Executive Board as CIO and CHRO, respectively. Helena's deep expertise in driving technological transformations and Debra's outstanding leadership in human resources will undoubtedly play pivotal roles in IFS's continued growth and leadership in Industrial AI. With their leadership, IFS is poised to accelerate its mission of delivering world-class solutions and driving innovation for its customers across the globe. Wishing Helena and Debra great success in their new roles! Here's to IFS's exciting next chapter in pioneering Industrial AI! #IFS #Leadership #IndustrialAI #CIO #CHRO #DigitalTransformation #GUMA #Teampurple #IFSCloud

    IFS, grafik adlı kullanıcının kuruluş sayfasını görüntüleyin

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    We are thrilled to announce the appointment of Helena Nimmo as our new Chief Information Officer (CIO) and Debra McCowan as Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO). These strategic additions to our Executive Board will fuel IFS’s next phase of growth in pioneering and dominating Industrial AI. Helena’s leadership will drive the integration of AI across the IFS community, enabling our customers to deliver exceptional Moments of Service. Debra’s extensive experience in global leadership roles will be instrumental as IFS continues to grow beyond 7,000 employees in over 90 countries. Join us in welcoming Helena and Debra to the #TeamPurple family! 🌟

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  • At GUMA Business Solutions, we see an IFS Cloud upgrade as a chance to reassess your business processes and leverage the latest modern technologies. It’s not just about upgrading; it’s about staying current and maximizing your potential with all the great features of IFS Cloud. Ready to get up to date? Contact us at to learn more! #IFSCloud #Upgrade #ModernTechnology #GumaBusinessSolutions

    • IFS Cloud Upgrade GUMA
  • Achieving automotive excellence requires a deep commitment to quality and compliance. Learn how IFS Cloud helps manufacturers navigate the complexities of IATF 16949 certification, from integrated quality management to real-time shop floor reporting. Drive your business forward with the right tools and technology. #Automotive #IFSCloud #QualityManagement #IATF16949 #Manufacturing #GUMA

    Navigating the Automotive Excellence Highway: IATF 16949 Certification and the IFS Cloud Advantage

    Navigating the Automotive Excellence Highway: IATF 16949 Certification and the IFS Cloud Advantage

    GUMA Business Solutions LinkedIn‘de

  • Enhance your demand planning process with IFS Cloud! Fully supported with advanced statistical models, IFS Cloud Demand Planning helps forecast future demands accurately, enabling you to optimize inventory, align production schedules, and improve supply chain efficiency. Whether dealing with complex product lines or responding to market shifts, the solution provides the precision and flexibility needed for effective decision-making. Ready to see how it can transform your operations? #IFS #IFSCloud #DemandPlanning #SupplyChainEfficiency #GUMA

    Leveraging IFS Cloud for Demand Planning: Enhancing Forecast Accuracy and Supply Chain Efficiency

    Leveraging IFS Cloud for Demand Planning: Enhancing Forecast Accuracy and Supply Chain Efficiency

    GUMA Business Solutions LinkedIn‘de

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