Uspješno smo izradili treći po redu izvještaj o održivosti za 2023. Zagrebačku pivovaru. Ovaj izvještaj važan je iskorak prema usklađenosti s Europskim standardima za izvještavanje o održivosti (#ESRS). Neki od ključnih elementa izvještaja koji osiguravaju kvalitetu i relevantnost sadržaja: ✅𝗖𝗷𝗲𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗶𝘁a 𝗮𝗻𝗮𝗹𝗶𝘇𝘂 𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗮 𝘃𝗿𝗶𝗷𝗲𝗱𝗻𝗼𝘀𝘁𝗶, s posebnim naglaskom na uzvodni dio zbog značajne ovisnosti o prirodnim resursima, poput vode i poljoprivrednih sirovina. ✅ 𝗣𝗿𝗼𝗰𝗷𝗲𝗻a 𝗱𝘃𝗼𝘀𝘁𝗿𝘂𝗸𝗲 𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗷𝗮𝗹𝗻𝗼𝘀𝘁𝗶, koja pruža cjelovit uvid u stvarne i potencijalne utjecaje na okoliš i društvo, ali i rizike povezane s poslovanjem, posebice onih koji su vezani uz ovisnost o prirodnim resursima. ✅ 𝗨𝗸𝗹𝗷𝘂č𝗶𝘃𝗮𝗻𝗷𝗲 𝗽𝗿𝗶𝗿𝗼𝗱𝗲 𝗸𝗮𝗼 "𝘁𝗶𝗵𝗼𝗴 𝗱𝗶𝗼𝗻𝗶𝗸𝗮", novi pristup europskog standarda o održivosti koji prirodi daje „glas“ uz pomoć znanstvene i stručne literature, čime je osigurana analitička preciznost i relevantnost izvještavanja. U 𝗢𝗶𝗸𝗼𝗻𝘂 njegujemo 𝗺𝘂𝗹𝘁𝗶𝗱𝗶𝘀𝗰𝗶𝗽𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗿𝗮𝗻 𝗽𝗿𝗶𝘀𝘁𝘂𝗽 i timski rad stručnjaka različitih profila što našim klijentima omogućuje vjerodostojno i relevantno izvještavanje o održivosti. Naš pristup stvara dodatnu vrijednost, osiguravajući temelje za učinkovito upravljanje rizicima, prilagodbu poslovnih strategija i iskorištavanje novih prilika. Pročitajte više na našoj web stranici: Andreja Pavlović Lovro Turkalj Tena Martinec Zagrebacka pivovara #Oikon #Održivost #ESRS #Sustainability
Oikon Ltd. - Institute of Applied Ecology
Environmental Services
Zagreb, City of Zagreb 3,179 followers
Always a step ahead in the development of human society in harmony with nature
About us
Oikon Ltd - Institute of Applied Ecology, is a limited liability company based in Zagreb, Croatia. Since its founding in 1997, Oikon has emerged as a leading licensed and accredited environmental consultancy/research institute in Croatia, focused on identifying and assessing environmental risks, performing environmental impact assessments, environmental monitoring and preparing reports and studies. The Company’s main strength lays in its ability to leverage its credentials in the region, as well as their employee’s technical competencies. Oikon has the technical expertise and experience to cover overall project management services, advisory and technical support for private sector, EU and globally funded projects. Specific areas of expertise include: - Environment and nature protection - Sustainable development - Forestry and applied forest research - Environment and nature protection related consulting in agriculture - Environmental law, policy and economics - Environmental modeling - Marine biology - Landscape ecology - Geostatistics - Remote sensing and enterprise GIS - IT - application development (MS partner) - Project management services - Project PMO and hosting services Oikon obtains the majority of its projects through active participation in tenders for public and private sector services and is one of the few private entities operating in the field of environmental services in Croatia. The Company is fully independent and is owned by management and selected employees.
- Website
External link for Oikon Ltd. - Institute of Applied Ecology
- Industry
- Environmental Services
- Company size
- 51-200 employees
- Headquarters
- Zagreb, City of Zagreb
- Type
- Privately Held
- Founded
- 1997
Trg senjskih uskoka 1-2
Zagreb, City of Zagreb 10 000, HR
Employees at Oikon Ltd. - Institute of Applied Ecology
Dear friends, we wish you happy holidays filled with love, joy, and moments spent with your loved ones! 🎄 May the new year 2025 bring you health, success, and loads of positivity! 🎉💚 Your Oikon team 💫 / Dragi prijatelji, želimo vam sretne blagdane ispunjene ljubavlju, radošću i trenucima provedenima s najmilijima! 🎄 Neka vam nova 2025. godina donese zdravlje, uspjeh i puuuuno pozitive! 🎉💚 Vaš Oikon tim 💫
👩🔬🎓 We are very proud of our colleague, Nela Jantol, who has successfully defended her 𝗱𝗼𝗰𝘁𝗼𝗿𝗮𝗹 𝗱𝗶𝘀𝘀𝗲𝗿𝘁𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 titled "Assessment of the Transpiration of Pedunculate Oak in the Spačva Forest Using Remote Sensing Methods" at the Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb, earning the title of Doctor of Natural Sciences in Biology. Nela's work represents a valuable scientific contribution to understanding ecological processes in the Spačva Forest, Croatia's largest oak forest complex. Her findings have practical applications in improving methods for assessing the condition of forest ecosystems, significantly contributing to sustainable natural resource management. Nela's doctoral studies were funded by OIKON with support from the Croatian Science Foundation, reflecting our commitment to investing in education and professional development, fostering scientific excellence, and enhancing our team’s expertise. Congratulations to Nela on this extraordinary achievement, and thank you for your contribution to advancing science and strengthening our expertise! 🙌 Learn more: #Oikon #OikonTeam #PhD #Biology
🤩🏆 We are proud and thrilled to announce that Oikon’s team won first place at this year’s WEkEO Hackathon 2024 with their project Agroforeo. The competition, which brought together 49 teams from around the globe, took place from December 12 to 14. Oikon’s team, comprising Nela Jantol, Ivan Tekić, Luka Raspović, and Bruno Ćaleta, impressed the judges with their innovative solution and presentation! 💪🙌 More about the competition and the Agroforeo solution here: #Oikon #OikonTeam #Wekeo #hackathon #Copernicus
At Oikon, we excel not only in our work but also in spreading the holiday cheer! 🎄🌟 This year, our traditional competition for the most festive office and our Christmas celebration brought a touch of holiday magic to Oikon. It was the perfect chance to unleash creativity, share laughter, and celebrate togetherness.
Very excited and happy to be a partner in the project! 🐻🌳 Slaven Reljic Medeja Pistotnik #4PETHABECO
🎉📢 We are excited to announce the kick-off meeting of the Interreg IPA ADRION 2021-2027- 4PETHABECO project! (ITA a segurie) 📅 Udine, November 28-29, 📍 2 days of meetings 🤝 10 partners 🌍 8 countries The 4PETHABECO project aims to protect large carnivore populations and restore their habitats through innovative solutions. Our goal is to strengthen green infrastructure, reduce coexistence conflicts, and improve connectivity for these species. 🐻 🌿 The project will foster collaboration across the Adriatic-Ionian area to harmonize monitoring techniques, improve data transparency, and address challenges related to human-wildlife conflicts. 🦊🤝 It will also create an interactive platform to resolve coexistence issues, enhancing understanding of the region’s cultural, social, and environmental diversity. 🌍💡 Long-term, the project will ensure the conservation and resilience of large carnivores by co-creating joint strategies and action plans to protect their habitats and improve connectivity, contributing to the objectives of the EUSAIR cross-border flagship PET HAB ECO. 🌱 Project partners: ZRS Koper – Institute for Social Studies Università degli Studi di Udine, University of Belgrade - Faculty of Biology, Oikon Ltd. - Institute of Applied Ecology , ARCTUROS - Civil Society for the Protection and Management of Wildlife and the Natural Environment, Center for Protection and Research of birds (CZIP), Igea MAK Ltd, PPNEA, Hunters Association of Slovenia (LZS) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 🎉📢 Siamo entusiasti di annunciare il meeting di avvio del progetto 4PETHABECO nell'ambito del programma Interreg IPA ADRION 2021-2027! 📅 Udine, 28-29 novembre 📍 2 giorni di incontri 🤝 9 partner 🌍 8 paesi Il progetto 4PETHABECO ha l'obiettivo di proteggere le popolazioni di grandi carnivori e ripristinare i loro habitat attraverso soluzioni innovative. Il nostro scopo è rafforzare le infrastrutture verdi, ridurre i conflitti di convivenza e migliorare la connettività per queste specie. 🐺🌿 Il progetto promuoverà la collaborazione nell'area Adriatico-Ionica per armonizzare le tecniche di monitoraggio, migliorare la trasparenza dei dati e affrontare le sfide legate ai conflitti uomo-fauna selvatica. 🦊🤝 Creerà anche una piattaforma interattiva per risolvere i problemi di convivenza, migliorando la comprensione della diversità culturale, sociale e ambientale della regione. 🌍💡 Nel lungo periodo, il progetto garantirà la conservazione e la resilienza dei grandi carnivori attraverso la co-creazione di strategie comuni e piani d'azione per proteggere i loro habitat e migliorare la connettività, contribuendo agli obiettivi del progetto trasfrontaliero EUSAIR PET HAB ECO. 🌱
We really look forward to #CWW2025 🤓 See you there!
CWW2025 update ! We kindly invite you to subscribe to our newsletters on CWW2025 website : Sponsoring opportunities are now open : A brief overview on the next steps : ➡️ Call for abstracts will be launched in the next couple of weeks. ➡️ Submission of abstracts will be opened until the end of January 2025. ➡️ Registration will open second fortnight of January 2025. We hope that you will join us in Montpellier, France, for the 8th Conference on Wind Energy and Wildlife impacts – CWW2025, September 8-12, 2025. More news soon !
8th Conference on Wind energy and Wildlife Impacts|CWW2025
Na ovogodišnjoj 16. konferenciji HR PSOR naši partneri, HBOR - Hrvatska banka za obnovu i razvitak i Zagrebački holding d.o.o., primili su priznanja za svoja postignuća u području održivosti. Ova priznanja odraz su njihove predanosti integraciji okolišnih, društvenih i upravljačkih aspekata (#ESG) u poslovne procese te potvrđuju važnost kontinuiranog unaprjeđenja održivih praksi. Oikon je imao priliku pružiti stručnu podršku ovim organizacijama na njihovom putu prema održivosti kroz procjenu materijalnih pitanja, identificiranje rizika i prilika te izradu izvještaja o održivosti. Na konferenciji je sudjelovala i naša Andreja Pavlović, koja je prvog dana bila panelistica na Panelu: Utjecaj gospodarstva na resurse i ekosustave. Raspravljalo se o očuvanju prirodnih resursa u kontekstu gospodarskog razvoja te njihovoj aktivnoj i nezamjenjivoj ulozi u stvaranju novih vrijednosti. Drugog dana Andreja je moderirala raspravu u formatu World Café na temu: Dubinska procjena utjecaja, rizika i prilika u dobavljačkom lancu, s naglaskom na upravljanje utjecajima na okoliš u dobavnom lancu. Konferencija je potvrdila značaj multidisciplinarnog pristupa održivosti, pružajući priliku za razmjenu znanja i iskustava među stručnjacima iz različitih sektora. Oikon nastavlja doprinositi stručnim raspravama i projektima koji potiču odgovorno poslovanje i održivi razvoj. Čestitamo HBOR-u i Zagrebačkom holdingu na njihovim nagradama te zahvaljujemo na povjerenju koje su nam ukazali kroz suradnju. #Oikon #održivost #HRPSOR HR PSOR HR BCSD
Increased use of wind turbines in coastal zones to provide Europe with renewable energy is a crucial element in decarbonizing Europe’s economy and in meeting its climate and energy targets. The placement of these turbines should also carefully consider potential impacts on marine ecosystems, according to a European Environment Agency (EEA) briefing published today. #offshore #windenergy #renewableenergy #climatechange #GreenDeal
Harnessing offshore wind while preserving the seas
The Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem (CDSE) hosted the “Insights from Space” event in Stockholm, Sweden. The event aimed to introduce Swedish government agencies and companies to the wealth of datasets and capabilities offered by Earth Observation (#EO) technologies. It featured a series of case studies and presentations showcasing how EO data can be utilized across various sectors. 🛰 🗺 Branimir Radun, Chief Technology Officer at Oikon, was invited as a speaker to present Oikon’s work in using EO data for environmental protection. His presentation, titled “Earth Observation Data in Various Ecosystems,” highlighted Oikon’s extensive experience in applying EO data to a wide range of environmental projects, including: - mapping marine and terrestrial habitats - land cover and land use analysis - smart agriculture solutions - forest ecosystem research - monitoring the effects of climate change - tracking invasive alien species. During his presentation, Radun emphasized the crucial role of EO data in providing a comprehensive understanding of the environment, enabling more informed decision-making. He noted that new processing tools and platforms, like the Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem (CDSE), are essential for gaining valuable insights about our world. To learn about our EO and GIS projects, please visit: #Oikon #EarthObservation #Copernicus #RemoteSensing