Got some difficult conversations to navigate? Find some tips below...and happy Friday! #difficultconversations #newmanagertips #leadershipdevelopment
Managing Director at The Management Coach. We partner with individuals & business to strengthen your leaders and their teams. Leadership Development Training and Coaching | Career Transition Planning | Team Building
Both new and more seasoned managers often fear difficult conversations because we worry about damaging our relationships or saying the wrong thing. This fear can lead to avoidance, which has a tendency to lead to even bigger problems down the line. This is human nature, by the way - very few of us love difficult conversations. 1. Timing is important when it comes to conversations we'd rather not be having. Plan ahead. If you’re both under the influence of the cortisol stress hormone you’re not going to be in the ideal chemical space for a connecting conversation which is going to require you tapping into your executive functioning. Or, if either of you is rushed, you're simply not going to get to an optimal outcome - these conversations require time and space and quite possibly some silence. 2. Privacy is critical! Please don't have this conversation in a coffee shop, for example. 3. What's your mindset? Some questions to ask yourself in advance: What is my purpose in having this conversation? What is my desired outcome? In a perfect world, I would like us to ... Lots more ideas where this comes from, but this will get the wheels turning for you. Once we've started finding our way in navigating some of our more challenging conversations, stay tuned for our next challenge - how communication (tip! communicate, communicate and overcommunicate) is essential for managing change - because all management is change management. #difficultconversations #communicationtips #newmanager