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Have you been thinking about updating your website? I'll leave you with the Top 3 Reasons you should stop thinking about it, and start putting a plan in action. 1. Higher brand interaction: A well-designed website not only reflects your brand but also sets the tone for the customer experience one can expect. A fresh and modern design can create a lasting impression and encourage higher levels of engagement from visitors. 2. Longer page session durations: A website with a dated design can turn visitors away quickly, causing them to leave your site in search of something more appealing. An updated design can keep visitors on your site for longer, increasing the chances of them taking the desired action, be it making a purchase or filling out a form. 3. Proper mobile-friendly website experiences: Having a website that is optimized for mobile devices is essential. An outdated website design can lead to a subpar user experience on mobile devices, causing potential customers to leave your site in frustration. A mobile-friendly website design not only provides a seamless experience for users, but also helps to improve your website's search engine ranking. This is where Make Digital Inc. shines. We design and develop top-notch websites for our clients. Book a quick consultation with me if you're looking for some direction or an outside opinion on your current site or future plans. I'm always happy to chat! Calendly: https://lnkd.in/g3YUKsc3