couldn't have said it better!
I help people land $100-300K PM roles. Message me | Program Director | PMO Leader | Program Management | Project Management | Job Coach | Career Coach | PM Recruiter
7 things that drive PMs crazy. ↓ 1~When you spend hours preparing reports that no one reads. 2~When someone tries to blow up your sprint or timeline with a “small change.” 3~When you ask for a date on a task and they say, ‘soon.’ 4~When people think your job is just to take notes and schedule meetings. 5~When they only bring you into a project when they’re in trouble. 6~When people take decisions on your project without informing you. 7~When people don’t respond to messages and then complain about too many meetings. What resonates? Any fun ones to add? ♻️ Repost if you like this.