Gifting Sense helps children prepare for all the personal finance decisions that lie in their future - by teaching them how to think before they buy. We do this in free, hands-on, interactive, in-classroom workshops, at schools and community centres, in person or online. What happens in a workshop? Children learn how easy and rewarding it is to ask and answer simple questions, about typical childhood purchases, before, anyone spends a dime!
Children aren't thoughtless when they repeatedly ask to buy things, what they are, is inexperienced. Our site and tool has been carefully designed to help young people quickly understand the true cost of a request, as well as how much they will really use or appreciate an item or experience before they either purchase, or ask for it. The end result: parents receive fewer, better-quality requests to spend.
Because we help families avoid purchases that aren't likely to be fully used and appreciated, our process contributes to improved family harmony, a smaller carbon footprint, and fewer landfill contributions, which often take the form of "gently-used" clothing or toys.
Recognized at the Money Awareness & Inclusion Awards for three years running (2022, 2023 and 2024), our innovative brand of "fun-damental" money-smarts is being taught to children across the globe.
But don't take anyone else's word for it - the next time your children want something, ask them to calculate the DIMS - DOES IT MAKE SENSE?® SCORE, and see you can't give them one of the best gifts ever: habit of thinking before buying; the awesome power, of spending, with a plan. #GiveMoneySmartz
Civic and Social Organizations
Company size
2-10 employees
Toronto, Ontario
Financial Literacy, Financial Literacy for Kids, Teaching Kids About Money, Allowance Best Practices, Gifts for Kids, Respect for Money, Value of a Dollar, Financial Technology, FinTech, FinTech for Families, and Fiscal Responsibility