CN Investment Division (CNID) reposted this
Happy New Year! Best wishes for a safe, happy and healthy 2025! 🎉✨
Established in 1968, the CN Investment Division (the Division), based in Montreal, manages the pension fund of Canadian National Railway (CNR.TO). The pension fund is one of the largest single-employer defined benefit pension funds in Canada and holds a long track record of solid performance. Approximately C$17 billion is actively managed in-house by 95 employees for the CN Pension Plan’s approximately 49,200 pensioners and pension plan members. The Division also manages the assets of the CN Pension Plan for Senior Management and the BC Rail Pension Plan. The Division’s culture is nimble, innovative, collaborative and risk-aware. Pensioners are always at the heart of what we do. CN is a public company and headquartered in Montreal. CN’s 19,500-mile railway network spans Canada and Mid-America, connecting three coasts: the Atlantic, the Pacific and the Gulf of Mexico. CN ships more than 300 million tons of cargo annually. For more than 100 years, CN has been serving Canada’s economy, from building the country to now moving over $250 billion worth of its customers’ goods annually. If you eat it, use it or drive it, chances are that CN moves it.
External link for CN Investment Division (CNID)
5 Place Ville-Marie
11th Floor
Montréal, Québec H3B 2G2, CA
CN Investment Division (CNID) reposted this
Happy New Year! Best wishes for a safe, happy and healthy 2025! 🎉✨
CN Investment Division (CNID) reposted this
Bonne année ! Meilleurs vœux de sécurité, de bonheur et de santé pour 2025 ! 🎉✨
CN Investment Division (CNID) reposted this
CN is committed to building respectful, sustainable and mutually beneficial relationships with all Indigenous Peoples. CN’s first Indigenous Reconciliation Action Plan offers a comprehensive roadmap for the next three years and provides a strong foundation for positive, sustainable progress. Learn about our actions and goals:
CN Investment Division (CNID) reposted this
Le CN s'engage à établir des relations respectueuses, durables et mutuellement bénéfiques avec tous les peuples autochtones. Le premier Plan d'Action du CN pour la Réconciliation avec les Autochtones offre une feuille de route complète pour les trois prochaines années et fournit une base solide pour des progrès positifs et durables. Découvrez nos actions et objectifs :
CN Investment Division (CNID) reposted this
As we wrap up our speaker series for the semester, JMIS is pleased to have welcomed guest speakers from BMO Capital Markets, CN Investment Division (CNID), PSP Investments (Canada Growth Fund), and Portage . They shared valuable insights across investment banking, public equities, energy transition, and venture capital, offering a deeper understanding of these industries and their key dynamics. We would like to thank all the speakers who took time out of their day to support our program and share their expertise. We also want to thank all the students for their participation and engagement throughout the series, we look forward to bringing you more great speakers next semester!
CN Investment Division (CNID) reposted this
📢 Retour sur une journée de réseautage en #finance réussie ! Jeudi dernier, 25 étudiantes et étudiants du Département de finance, assurance et #immobilier de FSA ULaval ont eu l’opportunité de rencontrer des employeurs influents du secteur financier lors d’une visite exclusive à Montréal🏙️ Au programme : des échanges enrichissants avec Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec (CDPQ), la Division des investissements du Division des investissements du CN (CNID), et FINMETRIX INC., offrant un aperçu unique de la finance des commodités et des investissements alternatifs. Nos participantes et participants ont également pu profiter d’un déjeuner, d’un cocktail de réseautage en fin de journée, et de prix de présence ! Merci aux entreprises partenaires et aux personnes étudiantes d’avoir fait de cette journée une expérience mémorable pour leur parcours en finance 👏 Université Laval | Jean-François (JF) Labrie | Charles-Olivier Amédée-Manesme | Service du développement professionnel de l'Université Laval | Marie-Hélène Larouche, M.A.
CN Investment Division (CNID) reposted this
The Kenneth Woods Portfolio Management Program’s fall celebration is an occasion where we celebrate our supporters of the program. We want to thank them for their ongoing support and it is wonderful to see the community come together to meet old friends and make new acquaintances. We were delighted to have Bruno Roy, MSc CFA, President and CEO of CN Investment Division (CNID) as our keynote speaker at this year’s fall celebration. Mr. Roy is accountable for all aspects of investment management and organizational oversight at CNID, one of Canada’s largest corporate pension plans. During our fireside chat, we covered a wide range of topics, from the challenges of being a CEO, insights on how CNID remains relevant in a competitive field, along with his views on some industry trends. Bruno also shared personal stories including the power of mentorships, how he overcame setbacks, and useful advice to the younger generation who are striving to be tomorrow’s leaders. We want to thank Bruno Roy for his enthusiasm and the encouragement he gave to our friends and supporters of the program.
CN Investment Division (CNID) reposted this
Nous avons été ravis d'accueillir nos pairs ainsi que des membres de la communauté des investisseurs institutionnels canadiens dans les bureaux d’Investissements PSP à Montréal pour le Forum des investisseurs institutionnels canadiens de MSCI Inc. Le forum a offert une plateforme de choix pour que les propriétaires d'actifs mondiaux et les consultants en investissement puissent établir des connexions significatives, participer à des discussions enrichissantes et explorer des sujets clés sous le thème « Naviguer l'approche de portefeuille total ». Nous remercions chaleureusement MSCI Inc., Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec (CDPQ), CPP Investments | Investissements RPC, BCI, RBC Capital Markets, CN Investment Division (CNID), OMERS, BCA Research, Global Risk Institute, et WTW pour leur participation et leurs précieuses perspectives, ainsi qu’à nos collègues d'Investissements PSP pour leur leadership et leurs contributions au succès de cet événement. ------------------------------ We were thrilled to welcome our peers and members from the Canadian institutional investor community to PSP Investments' office in Montréal for the MSCI Inc. Canadian Institutional Investor Forum. The forum provided an effective platform for global asset owners and investment consultants to foster meaningful connections, engage in insightful discussions, and explore key topics under the theme “Navigating Total Portfolio Approach”. A heartfelt thank you to MSCI Inc., Caisse de dépôt et placement du Québec (CDPQ), CPP Investments | Investissements RPC, BCI, RBC Capital Markets, CN Investment Division (CNID), OMERS, BCA Research, Global Risk Institute, and WTW for their participation and valuable insights, as well as to our PSP Investments’ colleagues for their leadership and contributions to the success of this event.
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We are thankful to our railroaders and customers who go above and beyond every day to keep our communities connected and thriving. Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving! 🍂
CN Investment Division (CNID) reposted this
Nous sommes reconnaissants envers nos cheminots et nos clients qui se dévouent chaque jour pour maintenir nos collectivités prospères et connectées. Joyeuse Action de grâce en toute sécurité ! 🍂