Why wait days to filter materials when you can achieve rapid results? Learn how molecular hiving can lead to faster filtration times. 🔍 Key Advantages: • Speed: quick process also effective at large scales. • Material Efficiency: Compared to traditional peptide resins, we use less material, which translates to shorter drying times. • High Yields: lab results show yields exceeding 90% consistently! Watch the complete webinar now 👉 https://lnkd.in/dFrzdkma Let’s continue pushing the boundaries together! #Biopharma #Innovation #FastFiltration #Sustainability #PeptideScience #CDMO
Bachem の中核事業は、製薬・バイオ 企業向けに医薬品用のペプチド活性成 分を製造することです。潜在顧客と交 渉を開始してから、医薬品の活性成分 に関しての長期供給の契約締結に到る までの道程は非常に長く、成功への単 純な法則はありません。 継続的パートナーシップの基本となる 早期の取り組み 活性成分の新構造のためのいわゆる「疾病 のターゲットとリード」に関する新しいアイ デアは、バイオ製薬産業で行われる多くの 製品開発の初期で検討されます。アプロー チとして注目されているのが、生物学的・ 化学的な新しい先端構造であり、これは当 社のペプチドに代表される複雑なアミノ酸 連鎖という形を取ることが多くなっていま す。このような初期段階でビジネスパート ナーとして認められるために、Bachem は 迅速に入手できるペプチドと生化学物質の 最も包括的なカタログを業界に提供して います。毎年、約9,000 の製品に関する 90,000 のカタログが民間企業や研究機関 に配布されており、カタログ数は増え続け ています。特殊な分野については、それら の分野向けのカタログも制作しています。 カスタム合成も重要なサービスであり、お 客様と一体となって、新規成分の生産に関 してその実行可能性、見込まれるコストや 所要時間を初期段階で決定しています。お 客様のご要望を確認し、お客様が望まれる 成分を最初に微量製造します。この段階で 問われるのは、ターゲット成分を時間通り に、然るべきコストで製造する能力だけで はありません。長期の協力関係で重要なこ とは、プロジェクトの開始当初より、成分 の安定性や有効性が考慮され、さらに活 性成分が将来薬剤として使用されることを 見越して、cGMP に従った製造プロセスま でも考慮されることにあります。そのため、 安定性チェックを行うことで、初期段階に おいて、新薬が特殊な保存条件を必要とす るかも明らかにします。継続的なビジネス・ パートナーシップとなりうるかどうかは、複 雑な製品が開発される初期段階で満足ゆく ソリューションが得られた場合にとりわけ 前向きなものとなります。
- ウェブサイト
- 業種
- 医薬品製造業
- 会社規模
- 社員 1,001 - 5,000名
- 本社
- Bubendorf
- 種類
- 上場企業
- 創立
- 1971
- 専門分野
- Peptides、Biochemicals、Custom Synthesis、GMP、Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs)、Regulatory Support、Dedicated Project Management
New expert talk at Bachem: 🔵 Maximize the potential: we always consider commercial manufacturing in our plans. 🔵 Manufacturing Excellence: we challenge and refine our approaches to fit our customer’s need by comparing our different technologies such as Solid-phase peptide synthesis, liquid-phase techniques or molecular hiding Innovation is key to overcoming challenges, which is our priority to provide a better CDMO service. Find the complete talk in our website 👉 https://lnkd.in/dJip4-VT #Innovation #APIManufacturing #PeptideSynthesis #CDMO
Committed to a greener future! Supported by a strong corporate philosophy & commitment, we're developing and using cutting-edge technologies to face TIDES’ environmental challenges. Contact us today to explore greener solutions 🌳 #GreenChemistry #Sustainability #TIDESManufacturing #CDMO #FutureOfPharma #GreenInnovation #EnvironmentalChallenge
🚀 Peptide boomen – und Bachem wächst mit. Der Markt für Peptide wächst rasant, angetrieben durch die steigende Nachfrage nach Medikamenten gegen Fettleibigkeit. Die Region Basel (CH) spielt dabei eine Schlüsselrolle. Als weltweit führender Auftragshersteller erweitert Bachem die Produktion am Hauptsitz und plant eine neue Anlage im Kanton Aargau (CH). Diese Investitionen schaffen Arbeitsplätze, stärken das lokale Gewerbe und fördern die regionale Wirtschaft. 📺 Mehr dazu im Telebasel-Beitrag: https://lnkd.in/eudhzd4p --------- 🚀 Peptides are booming, and so is Bachem. The peptide market is thriving, fueled by growing demand for anti-obesity medications, and the Basel region (CH) plays a central role. As the world’s leading peptide contract manufacturer, Bachem is expanding production at its headquarters and planning a new facility in Aargau (CH). These investments will create jobs, support local businesses, and boost the regional economy. 📺 Watch the Telebasel feature (in German) to learn more: https://lnkd.in/eudhzd4p #Peptides #LifeSciences #Innovation #Growth
🎉 Last Friday, we celebrated our annual company party in Basel with nearly 1,400 guests – a night to remember! 🎄 The evening featured inspiring speeches from CEO Thomas Meier and site manager Frank Dettner, along with a heartfelt tribute to Heinz Finkbeiner, Bachem’s first apprentice from 1976, who will retire in 2025. Heinz was honored by Bachem’s founder, Peter Grogg, who shared humorous anecdotes and was joined by 80 current and former apprentices on stage to mark this special moment. The highlight was the Bachem Talent Show, showcasing: 💃 Ana Herrán and the IK Ladies Bachata Team 🎵 Zacharias H. as a singer-songwriter 🎹 Daniel Fankhauser with his winning piano solo, “Dreams of a Peptide Chemist” Thank you to everyone who joined us for this unforgettable evening full of team spirit and celebration. 💗 ------------- 🎉 Letzten Freitag feierten wir unsere Jahresfeier in Basel mit knapp 1.400 Gästen – ein Abend, der in Erinnerung bleibt! 🎄 Highlights waren die Reden von CEO Thomas Meier und Standortleiter Frank Dettner sowie die Ehrung von Heinz Finkbeiner, unserem ersten Lernenden von 1976, der 2025 in den Ruhestand geht. Heinz wurde von Bachem-Gründer Peter Grogg geehrt, der mit humorvollen Anekdoten glänzte, während 80 aktuelle und ehemalige Lernende sich auf der Bühne versammelten, um diesen besonderen Moment zu feiern. Die Bachem Talentshow begeisterte mit: 💃 Ana Herrán und dem IK Ladies Bachata Team 🎵 Zacharias Heck als Liedermacher 🎹 Daniel Fankhauser mit seinem Gewinner-Pianostück „Träume eines Peptidchemikers“ Danke an alle, die diesen unvergesslichen Abend mit uns gefeiert haben! 💗 #Bachem #CompanyCulture #Celebration
📢 New Video Alert! Discover the extensive drug development process of new drugs until they reach the market. Along this manufacturing journey, many regulatory challenges arise, which a successful drug must overcome to ensure it reaches patients in a timely, safe and reliable manner. 🎥 Stay informed by watching our latest webinar on demand: https://lnkd.in/dp6Gsb64 #Bachem #drugdevelopment #RegulatoryAffairs #CDMO
Last week, Bachem had the honor of participating in the renowned Swiss Technology Award, a platform celebrating groundbreaking innovations. 🌟 We are proud to have been finalists with our implementation of MCSGP technology (Multicolumn – Countercurrent – Solvent – Gradient – Purification), a key innovation for resource-efficient purification of peptides and oligonucleotides on an industrial scale. This technology reflects our dedication to sustainability and innovation in pharmaceutical production. Although we didn’t win this time, we warmly congratulate the winners: 🏆 «Inventors» 2024: RoBoa 🏆 «Start-ups» 2024: Oxyle 🏆 «Industry Innovation» 2024: Bystronic Group We are proud of our achievement and look forward to continuing to shape the future of the industry! Watch the introductory video presented at the Swiss Technology Award 2024 below to discover how we earned our spot as a finalist! #Innovation #Sustainability #Bachem #SwissTechnologyAward
Dive into our latest talk and learn how Bachem achieves efficient production through clear communication and collaboration. Key notions: • Proactive planning • Cycle time awareness • Immediate issue resolution Watch the complete talk for more information 👉 https://ow.ly/tUck50U9YTM #Biotech #ProcessOptimization #ProductLeadership #Bachem #APIManufacturing
How to choose the right Contract Development and Manufacturing Organisation (CDMO) partner? Key Takeaways: • Flexibility and Scalability • Quality Assurance and Compliance • Cultural Fit and Collaboration 👉 Read the full article here: https://lnkd.in/dxt8gfd5 #CDMO #Biopharma #Partnerships #Manufacturing #Innovation
Last week, we had the opportunity to be at the Chemtogether ETH Zürich, a career fair bringing together 18 leading companies from the chemical and pharmaceutical industries. We thoroughly enjoyed engaging with talented students from the Chemistry, Chemical & Bioengineering, Pharmacy, and Interdisciplinary Natural Sciences programs. Their curiosity, passion, and innovative ideas give us so much confidence in the future of our industry! 🌟 A heartfelt thank you to the organizers, participating companies, and the students who made the event such a success. These two days were filled with good conversations, career insights, and opportunities to shape the next chapter of innovation in our field. If we didn’t get a chance to connect at the event, feel free to reach out here: https://lnkd.in/dHVg_Zb We’d love to keep the conversation going! #Chemtogether2024 #ETHZürich #CareerFair