We at Sensio want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and hope you are enjoying this holiday season🎄💙
IT-tjenester og -rådgivning
#MerTidTilOmsorg med velferdsteknologi. Markedsledende leverandør av velferdsteknologi og e-Helsesystemer.
Om oss
Sensio er Norges ledende leverandør innen velferdsteknologi og løser dagens og morgendagens omsorgsutfordringer til beste for både pasienter, helsepersonell og samfunnet. Dette gjør vi blant annet gjennom banebrytende programvare og produkter som RoomMate (digitalt tilsyn med passiv varsling av fall), Safemate (trygghetsalarmer) og Sensio365 (Helseplattform). Sensio er et norsk selskap som ble startet i 2009 og har i dag flere hundre kommunekunder i Norge, Sverige, Danmark, Island og England. Våre mer enn 150 ansatte har et brennende engasjement for å skape og implementere bærekraftige produkter og tjenester som forenkler hverdagen til helsepersonell, slik at det blir #MerTidTilOmsorg for pasientene. Sensio eier og utvikler eHelse- og hjelpemiddels-produktene RoomMate, Safemate, SafeCall, Unity, IKOS, Sensio 365, Smartvakt, Flexiblink og Vox.
- Nettsted
Ekstern lenke til Sensio
- Bransje
- IT-tjenester og -rådgivning
- Bedriftsstørrelse
- 51–200 ansatte
- Hovedkontor
- Oslo
- Type
- Privateid selskap
- Grunnlagt
- 2009
- Spesialiteter
- Welfare Technology, eHealth
Stenersgata 1a
Oslo, 0050, NO
Ansatte i Sensio
In the last newsletter of 2024, we want to share some advice on how you can succeed with care technology in 2025💡💫 These advices does not come from us (although we added some bonus ones for you), but from multiple local authorities in Scandinavia. Together they have analysed and compiled experiences regarding the use of care technology in the health and care sectors in Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Finland. Based on this they have put forward seven pieces of advice on how care homes can success with care technology. Read all about them in our newsletter👇 #CareTechnology #LinkedinNewsletter #MoreTimeForCare
✨2024 – WOW what a year it’s been✨ As 2024 is coming to an end we want to take some time to reflect on the year that has passed. Together with our customers and care homes we have ensured that a rapidly increasing number of care teams have the time and tools they need to provide person-centred care for their residents. We have achieved some great accomplishments and grown as a company, both within customers, solutions and employees. Here are some of our highlights from this year: 🛌 We have reached the milestone of over 20.000 RoomMates produced in total, enabling more care workers to work digital first – making better decisions faster and ensuring patient safety. 🌎 We have expanded to new countries this year, starting our first big partnerships in Germany and France – and continuing our high growth in the UK and Scandinavia. 🥳 Our new solution Sensio Insight went to pilot in care homes earlier this year, and in November it won EHiN awards 2024. 👏 140.000 daily alarms answered by dedicated care workers. 💙 The Sensio team grew, and we are now over 200 employees across the whole of Sensio. Expanding existing teams and building local teams in UK and Denmark. 💡We have attended conferences across Europe and even hosted our own Sensio events in 4 different cities across the Nordics this year with over 250 of our customers attending. Getting the opportunity to connect and learn from each other. Thank you to all the care homes and care teams that has trusted our technology to support you in the important work you do to make sure residents are getting safe, compassionate and person-centred care. We can’t wait for all that is to come in the next year, and wish you a Happy Holiday and a great New Year! #MoreTimeForCare
Sensio Insight – nyt prisvindende digitalt værktøj til plejepersonale👩⚕️👨⚕️ Plejepersonalet træffer mange beslutninger omkring borgerne i løbet af en travl arbejdsdag, og det kan være krævende at kortlægge plejen manuelt. Sensio Insight er designet til at give brugbar indsigt gennem objektive sensordata. Værktøjet støtter plejepersonalet i de daglige beslutninger samt styrker og øger kvaliteten i den personcentrerede pleje. Sensio Insight er udviklet i samarbejde med flere norske og svenske kommuner gennem et brugerdrevet innovationspartnerskab. Løsningen samler alarmer og data fra sensorteknologi i et nødkaldsystem og bruger indsigten på en ny og innovativ måde. Du kan læse mere om Sensio Insight her⬇️ #MereTidTilOmsorg
Sensio Insight – beslutningsstøtte, der giver mere tid til pleje💙
💌The November newsletter is live💌 This month you can read all about our new award winning solution and how two care homes in Bjornafjorden in Norway are seeing positive results after adapting to a "digital-first" mindset⬇️ #CareTechnology #MoreTimeForCare
Award winning solutions and adapting to a "digital-first" mindset!
Sensio på LinkedIn
Great to see the interest around Sensio, and care technology in general, is growing and being discussed more in the news📰💡 Over the weekend The Times published an article focusing on how care homes are using AI and technology to create a safer place to live for their residents. Among the technologies mentioned is #RoomMate, our multisensor, which is being used in a growing number of care homes in the UK. The article writes: – A trial of the system (RoomMate) at Richmond Manor care home in Ampthill, Bedfordshire, earlier this year found the number of falls reduced by 83 per cent owing to a combination of staff being alerted to risky situations — such as residents starting to get out of bed — so they could intervene, and the system revealing the causes of falls, so managers could make changes to a resident’s room or care plan. Staff said they felt the quality of care they provided at night had improved because they focused on the residents who needed support without disturbing others. Read the full article here⬇️ MedWatch Norge Norwegian Smart Care Cluster IKT-Norge Innovation Norway Norway Health Tech #CareTechnology #MoreTimeForCare
Inside the AI care home: the smart tech making old people safer
Slik gir GPS-sporing store gevinster i eldreomsorgen🗺️💡 Bruk av GPS-sporing gir mange gevinster for både pasienter, hjemmeboende, pårørende og helsepersonell i kommunene. Dessverre er det altfor få eldre og demenssyke som benytter denne livreddende teknologien. Les om GPS-sporing og hvordan din kommune kan ta det i bruk i ny artikkel her⬇️ #GPSsporing #Velferdsteknologi #MerTidTilOmsorg
Slik gir GPS-sporing store gevinster i eldreomsorgen
Why should you prioritize sensor-based supervision in elderly and dementia care?🧓👨⚕️ That is the topic for this months newsletter💌 Read about the benefits to sensor-based supervision and learn more in our newest article! #CareTechnology #DigitalSupervision #HealthCare
Why should you prioritize sensor-based supervision in elderly and dementia care?
Sensio på LinkedIn
🔔New monthly newsletter🔔 This month we are talking about patient safety and how Sensio work to create safety for residents and care workers. Read it here⬇️ #HealthcareTechnology #PatientSafety #MoreTimeForCare
How we ensure patient safety with healthcare technology🩵
Sensio på LinkedIn
Today is World Alzheimer’s day. 🌍🩵 We mark this day to spread awareness about Alzheimer’s disease and other dementia. Our healthcare technology is designed to make a meaningful difference in the daily lives of those living with dementia. By providing tools that foster a sense of independence and safety for individuals suffering from dementia we hope to achieve this. As we continue to innovate, we are reminded that our mission goes beyond technology—it’s about creating human-centred solutions that provide comfort, support, and peace of mind to both individuals and their families. #WorldAlzheimersDay #MoreTimeForCare