Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) travel advice
COVID-19 travel advice
All →This document examines the risk-based approach to gatherings, mpox-associated risks during the current public health emergency of international concern,...
The Generic All-Hazards Risk Assessment Tool for Mass Gathering Events (“All-Hazards MG RA Tool”) aims to support Member States and mass gathering...
Gatherings are events characterized by the concentration of people at a specific location for a specific purpose over a set period of time and can be associated...
International Travel and Health (ITH) guideline development group (GDG) for COVID-19
All →Since October 2020, the WHO Guideline Development Group for International Travel and Health (WHO ITH GDG) is tasked with regularly evaluating the scientific evidence around the effectiveness, safety and impact of public health measures for reducing travel-associated spread of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, while avoiding unnecessary interference with international traffic.
Evidence review – Public health measures in the aviation sector in the context of COVID-19: quarantine...
Annexes to Weekly Epidemiological Record (WER) evidence review: public health measures in the aviation sector in the context of COVID-19: quarantine...
Annexes to Weekly Epidemiological Record (WER) evidence review: public health measures in the aviation...
Evidence review – Public health measures in the aviation sector in the context of COVID-19: quarantine and isolation - 21 May 2021
Evidence to recommendations: Methods used for assessing health equity and human rights considerations...
The COVID-19 pandemic is having a large-scale impact on international travel and trade, particularly in the aviation sector. WHO is conducting systematic...