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Miami Heat Suspend Star Jimmy Butler 7 Games After He Suggests Trade



Miami Heat star forward Jimmy Butler has been suspended for seven games, the team announced Friday, making the decision one day after Butler suggested a trade from Miami and said he lost his joy for basketball while playing for the team.

Key Facts

The Heat, which have appeared in two NBA Finals since Butler joined the team in 2019, said in a statement the suspension was due to “multiple instances of conduct detrimental to the team over the course of the season and particularly the last several weeks.”

The team noted Butler and his representative have indicated their desire for a trade and that “we will listen to offers.”

The suspension follows comments from Butler made after the Heat’s Thursday loss to the Indiana Pacers, with the six-time all-star telling reporters he wants his joy back from playing basketball elsewhere and wants to play with a “dominant” team (the Heat are in sixth place in the Eastern Conference).

Butler’s dissatisfaction with the Heat appears to be partially rooted in an implication from team officials that he did not play up to his ability in the Heat’s win against the New Orleans Pelicans on Wednesday, according to ESPN, as Butler returned from a 13-day illness leave to score just nine points.

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Forbes Valuation

Butler ranked No. 7 on Forbes’ list of the NBA’s highest-paid players in 2024, bringing in $48.8 million on the court and $10 million through off-court business ventures.

Key Background

Butler is now in the final year of his roughly $49 million per season contract with the team. Miami Heat president Pat Riley, who said about a week ago the team had no intention of trading Butler, has had a contentious relationship with the star player. Riley suggested Butler should keep his “mouth shut” after the forward said on social media the Heat would have avoided its first-round playoff exit last season if he were healthy and playing. Riley later announced the Heat would not extend Butler’s contract before the current NBA season. Butler is shooting a career-high 55.3% from the field this season, according to ESPN, which noted his teams have made playoff appearances in 12 of his 13 seasons in the NBA.

Further Reading

Heat not trading All-Star Jimmy Butler, Pat Riley says (ESPN)

The NBA’s Highest-Paid Players 2024 (Forbes)

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