Staying mentally stimulated while experiencing mobility loss may help ward off depression and anxiety, enhance self-worth, and stave off further mental and physical decline, according to Dr. Bernstein.
“I always tell my patients, ‘To stay physically healthy, a person needs to stay mentally healthy,’” says Dr. Patel. “I understand it’s challenging, but don’t focus on things you can’t do because of your limited mobility and instead shift the focus on what you can do with your limited mobility.”
Anything that enriches or challenges the mind can help, but there are certain activities that may make your brain cells work a little harder, says Dr. Bernstein.
Practice Positivity
Dr. Patel recommends anyone struggling with mobility impairment try the following simple mental exercise. Every time you catch yourself having a negative thought about your limitations, make yourself also think about three positive things in your life. While the shift in mentality may not be immediate, Dr. Patel says people should notice a difference after four to six weeks of implementing the practice.
Get Tech Savvy
“Learn new technology, and use it to make your life easier,” says Dr. Patel. “There has been a significant increase in the use of smartphones, tablets and other technology, and I have also seen seniors using technology for online shopping, ordering groceries, banking and even health care services.”
Socialization through tools like FaceTime or social media can be beneficial as well, and recent studies show technology may keep older adults or homebound individuals with limited mobility positively connected with others.
If you or your loved one feels unsure about trying new technology, sites like Tech Boomers, which offers free classes for learning how to use online websites like Zoom to Facebook to eBay—or SeniorNet, a nonprofit organization that connects seniors with free online classes—can help.
Spend Time Outside
Green exercise—which is any activity in the presence of nature—is shown to have positive effects in mental health by improving mood and self-esteem, according to research. In fact, a review of 10 studies presented in the Journal of Environmental Science & Technology finds that benefits are gained within as little as five minutes of exposure to nature.
“Sunlight is also a great antidepressant and source of Vitamin D for older adults,” says Dr. Bernstein, who regularly suggests his older patients try gardening or visit parks to reap the physical and mental benefits of being outdoors.
Cook in the Kitchen
“Cooking challenges and stimulates many different parts of the brain,” says Dr. Bernstein. For example, long-term memory is used in recalling how to make a family favorite, whereas another part of the brain is engaged while discussing and reading a recipe. Meanwhile, a different part of the brain comes into play when measuring and combining ingredients.
Melissa Bernstein, an occupational therapist and certified home chef, also uses cooking as a way for caregivers to connect with patients who have neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s. “The activity of cooking combines some physical exercise while it stimulates the brain to perform tasks, engages interaction between people, and provides time for conversation,” she says.
What’s more, eating the meal together provides another opportunity for mental stimulation through socialization.
Learn a New Language
Bilingualism is another form of cognitive stimulation that engages multiple aspects of brain activity. A recent study in the journal Frontiers in Neuroscience finds that individuals who speak more than one language may delay the onset of dementia symptoms by approximately four to five years when compared to monolingual patients.
Even spending a few minutes a day practicing another language can spark mental stimulation, and it’s never too late to start, according to Dr. Patel.
Exercise With Mobility Training
Mobility training is different from stretching, which is intended to make muscles more flexible. Though mobility training might include some flexibility-enhancing exercises, the exercises are meant to help you move better through your daily activities (also known as functional fitness) while increasing your range of motion.
“Movement health” is a perfect way for people with mobility limitations to still incorporate physical activity into their lives, according to Ridge Carpenter, a fitness and mobility specialist for Amazon Halo. A study appearing in the journal Sports Health also finds that maintaining physical mobility through exercises has protective effects on structural changes that occur with aging in areas of the brain associated with memory, attention and task completion.
To try mobility training, Carpenter suggests starting with “ankle writing.” Hold one foot out in front of you, off the floor, and imagine you’re writing cursive letters in the air with your big toe. Start by writing the alphabet, and use this as a way to explore your ankles’ range of motion.
This exercise can also be done with other joints. For example, writing with a finger by moving only your wrist, or by moving only at the elbow or shoulder. You can also try closing your eyes while you “write.”
“This is similar to another tool, ‘graphesthesia,’ where the goal is to recognize writing on your skin by touch, and it serves a similar purpose in quantifying and training your body-sense,” says Carpenter. “We don’t often ask ourselves to really slow down and feel where our parts are, but this is a great way to feel better overall.”
Make It Musical
According to a study appearing in the journal Brain, listening to music activates a widespread network of brain regions related to attention, semantic processing, memory, motor functions and emotional processing. The study also shows music can help enhance cognitive recovery after an event that causes memory loss, such as a stroke, and may help prevent negative moods.
“Music is powerful for brain stimulation, and people can actively be involved in playing an instrument or be receptive by listening to music,” says Dr. Patel, who regularly uses music as a mind-activating tool for patients.
Dr. Patel also recommends setting up a playlist on a home device to make accessing songs for mental stimulation easier.
Try Virtual Reality
Virtual reality (VR) can also facilitate mental stimulation for those with limited mobility. VR users wear a headset with a built-in screen to access a computer-generated, interactive simulation of a three-dimensional image or environment. This presents information to the senses and the mind, as if the person were experiencing these environments in real time.
“VR stimulates your mind, and studies have suggested that VR can strengthen neural connectors that help support our sensory, motor and cognitive skills, allowing us to improve cognition,” says Dr. Patel, who uses virtual reality with some of his patients. “I use it to show them travel destinations so they can experience the countries they have never been and are curious to see.”
A recent University of Maryland Study also shows that VR can help with memory. Test subjects in the study who were asked to memorize faces and images had an 8.8% improvement in recall when they learned the information via a VR setup.
VR headsets can be purchased easily online and with their corresponding apps can be downloaded to your phone. Dr. Patel also notes that VR may give those with limited mobility a sense of control and freedom through VR experiences.