Knowledge Center


    In today’s increasingly fragmented media landscape, audio commands a dominant share of consumer attention and engagement. The number of digital audio listeners has increased nearly 100% in the last ten years to reach more than 200 million weekly listeners, the amount of time spent listening to all forms of audio over that same period has jumped more than 180% to more than four hours a day, and the attentiveness of media consumers to audio content has been shown to be more than 50% higher when compared to audience attention norms across other forms of media.

    In this webinar, a panel of experts discussed the implications of audio’s attention grabbing, all-day companionship for omnichannel marketing campaigns and how to optimize media plans by tapping more deeply into the high value audiences, unduplicated reach, and massive scale of the audio ecosystem.

    Related Resources

    The IAB Getting Audio & Podcasting on the Media Plan: A Guide for Mutual Success shares proven strategies for integrating audio into your media plan, boosting campaign performance, and driving stronger consumer connections.

    Download the Guide