ОписаниеTriadobatrachus skeletal diagram.jpg |
English: Fig. 12. Interpretative reconstructions of the skeleton of Triadobatrachus massinoti in dorsal view (A), the two possible articulations of the right pectoral girdle in lateral view (B), and the skull in ventral view (C). A few cartilages have been reconstructed (in grey) for illustration purposes only; the actual size and shape of the suprascapula is unknown. The position and orientation of the clavicle and the cleithrum are uncertain. This reconstruction features a ‘broad’ pelvis, with the contact between the ischia limited to their ventral margins, and the sacral ribs resting mostly between the iliac shafts. The pectoral girdle reconstruction B1 features a compact configuration similar to that of Czatkobatrachus (Borsuk-Białynicka and Evans, 2002), in which the glenoid is oriented more laterally. Reconstruction B2 features a configuration closer to that of extant anurans. Note that a hypothetical stylar process has been added to the columellae, and that we made no attempt to reconstruct the ventromedial process of the pterygoid, as we have no anatomical equivalents in other amphibians to base a reconstruction upon. an, angular; cl, clavicle; co, coracoid or coracoidal part of the scapulocoracoid; crb, caudal rib; ct, cleithrum; d, dentary; eo, exoccipital; il, ilium; is, ischium; mmk?, mentomeckelian or lingual process; mx, maxilla; n, nasal; op, opisthotic; pa, palatine; pf, prefrontal; po, prootic; pra, prearticular; ps, parasphenoid; ript, internal ramus of the pterygoid; rmpt, maxillary ramus of the pterygoid; rppt, posterior ramus of the pterygoid; sca, scapula or scapular part of the scapulocoracoid; ssc, suprascapula; sph, sphenethmoid; sr, sacral rib; th, thyrohyal; q, ?quadrate; vppt, ventral process of the pterygoid. |