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LýsingPanic at the Disco Im Park 2016 (8 von 11).jpg
English: Panic! at the Disco @ Rock im Park 2016
Deutsch: Panic! at the Disco @ Rock im Park 2016
eigin skrá
Das Foto habe ich als Urheber unter der Creative-Commons-Lizenz CC-by-SA-3.0. veröffentlicht. Dies bedeutet, dass eine kostenlose Nutzung außerhalb der Wikimedia-Projekte unter folgenden Bedingungen möglich ist:
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Bitte schreiben Sie eine E-Mail an: Frederik.Ranninger [at], wenn Sie
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I have published this image as author under the Creative-Commons-License CC-by-SA-3.0. This means that free usage outside of Wikimedia projects under the following terms of licence is possible:
tilvísun höfundarréttar – Þú verður að tilgreina viðurkenningu á höfundarréttindum, gefa upp tengil á notkunarleyfið og gefa til kynna ef breytingar hafa verið gerðar. Þú getur gert þetta á einhvern ásættanlegan máta, en ekki á nokkurn þann hátt sem bendi til þess að leyfisveitandinn styðji þig eða notkun þína á verkinu.
Deila eins – Ef þú breytir, yfirfærir eða byggir á þessu efni, þá mátt þú eingöngu dreifa því verki með sama eða svipuðu leyfi og upprunalega verkið er með.
For taking this photo and licensing it under a free licence a (press) accreditation was required. The photographer had a valid accreditation and has sent it to the email response team, it has been archived in the VRTS system. Users with VRTS account can access it here.
Please be aware that (press) accreditations are a permission to generally take photos only and do not make any statement about the copyright status of this photo!