A True Community Has Your Back
How do you host a fashion show during a pandemic?
Our team grappled with this question during the summer of 2020. Was it possible to put on a safe presentation? Did we have the bandwidth to pull it off, while trying to keep our business afloat? Would sponsors even be interested? I wasn’t sure, until I talked to my friend Leslie Russo at Endeavor.
Leslie listened to my concerns and asked thoughtful questions. By the end of our conversation, we were planning our next fashion show together. Leslie has been in our corner for years. She not only created an opportunity for us to present at Fashion Week, but helped us be one of the only brands to do so.
I’ve learned that honest communication, nurtured by intentional giving and receiving, lies at the heart of relationships. My friendship with Leslie is the embodiment of community to me. She has my back. I have hers. We know we can count on each other.
Raise your hand if everything is going absolutely smoothly in your career right now. Any takers? I didn’t think so. So, why do we put up these veneers that we have it all figured out? I try to break through these barriers with my peers by being real. I make it a habit to ask — What are you going through at work right now? What is the hardest part? — and share myself. Openness creates pathways to support each other. There are often ways we can share our own learnings and resources; Even sincere listening makes a difference.
I approach gatherings similarly and start my dinners with a question that will inspire a sense of closeness, like: What is a recent failure? Or, what are you most afraid of? I know it’s vulnerable to open up when you’re meeting people for the first time. Honesty facilitates lasting connections, though. My hope is that people leave feeling encouraged and reassured that they aren’t alone. That impending catastrophe keeping you up at night? The woman sitting next to you is facing her own do or die moment. In every room of 20 founders, there are also 20 crises. We’re stronger, more successful, and happier when we join forces. The only way to do so is to share what we’re really going through.
Community building can be misperceived as attending beautiful events. I’d love to go to weekly founder dinners as much as the next person. No matter how dreamy, it’s just not feasible. I’ve learned that showing up means being there in the unseen moments. I’m grateful for the walk and talks where I can let my hair down and get things off my chest. The ‘Thinking of you’ texts that arrive just as I’m looking at my three page to do list. The immediate call when you text asking for advice. These acts of camaraderie inspire me to keep going.
A mutual sense of support is vital in a relationship. I’ve found it’s always better to be interested in other people’s paths and how I can help them. I aspire to facilitate opportunities for my peers as often as I can, whether it’s a speaking engagement or potential investment. The intention always comes back to you.
My journey continues to teach me that while business victories offer a sense of accomplishment. It’s the people who help me reach them that fill my soul. We just hosted our third pandemic fashion show. I know they wouldn’t have materialized or been as innovative without Leslie. There is true power in helping each other. Go above and beyond when you can.
How do you strengthen your community? Share your best advice in the comments!
Freelance Estate Agent-Bristol
3yA very good read 😌
Sales Manager
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3yI absolutely love this, thank you for writing that! I'll be sharing it with our community ❤
Founder & CEO of The Flora May Foundation
3yI agree ✔️ 👍🏻