Sustainability and Resilience
The two terms and definitions are critical in emergency management, but why are such terms essential to the average individual? We will cover the term sustainability first, which is meeting the needs of others without compromising the ability of future generations so they can meet their own needs. It is of strategic importance for our current society to preserve, protect, and conserve our energies and resources that will allow future development and help protect the environment. Sustainability is comprised of environmental, social, and economic factors that can give future generations the needed resources and hope for their future. Personal sustainability will help us develop strategies and plans to help us survive in almost any situation; in those situations, in which we are not prepared, we can learn to adapt and meet the challenge.
The next term is resilience, which usually goes hand in hand with sustainability. People need to learn to become resilient. Why? Resilience is the ability of a person to cope and recover from setbacks. A person who will remain calm in the presence of an emergency or disaster is why law enforcement, firefighters, and EMS personnel train, re-train, and practice to maintain that edge of resilience, and even individuals who work in the military, emergency management, professional pilots, and air traffic controllers. Using resilient strategies helps individuals stay focused and not fall apart due to stress. This is why physical exercise is essential to help your body recover from physical demands, illnesses, and injuries.
Individuals need to prepare to be resilient physically, mentally, and emotionally, including social resilience, which helps a community come back together after an emergency or disaster.
The impact of resilience is not just about coping with stress and hardship, it is about strengthening ourselves on a psychological level. It is crucial to seek a mentor, someone who works in the professions I have mentioned, to learn from their experiences and build our own sustainability and resilience mechanisms. This preparation at all levels of resilience equips us to manage any situation or danger that may come our way. Not learning to prepare can potentially lead to long-term psychological consequences. This emphasis on seeking guidance can make the audience feel supported and guided in their journey towards resilience.