Stop Holding Back
I was just reading "When Everything Changes, Change Everything" by Neal Donald Walsch when I realised that everything changes all the time - it's the evolution of things, it's the evolution of the world... it's our own evolution. We change all the time.
Holding yourself back from one thing or another... resisting change... is depriving yourself from experiencing life as it is. Life Is Change! It is growth and continuous transformation.
When we hold back from something, when we resist the change, a feeling of unfulfillment floods our body; when a desire is born in our mind, an emptiness is created to be filled - it's the law of vacuum, but we "rationalise", we tell ourselves "rational" lies why we can't, or that we're not worth it, or we don't deserve it, or we have other priorities...
Some of us done this for so long that it became natural to live unfulfilled lives, to live with holes of unfulfillment. What do you think sadness is? - it's the emptiness of unfulfilled desires. We live a life for in the end to look back and regret all the things we didn't do.
Ask any person that lived their life fully, what is their biggest regret, and 9 out of 10 will tell you "the things I wished and never done" - because the purpose of life is to experience what life has to offer.
The happiest people are not those that have money, a house or many houses, a car, a family, or whatever the society they live in dictates what happiness is... the happiest people are those that live every moment like it is the last, the people than indulge themselves in the beauty of what the world has to offer, those that experiment and experience.
We created these "standards" in which we have to fit in: have this kind of body, have that kind of partner, dress up like this, don't dress up like that, eat this because it's healthy don't eat that because it's not and so on... and we go through the trouble to "fit in" those specifics created by the society we live in and we realise that we're still not happy.
Look around you... those people we call "hippies" they're way happier than we are, look at the children while they play, they have no regards for anything outside their imagination... but we can't be like that, because society will "judge" us, so we choose to live a sad and unfulfilled life simply because we're afraid of being judged; we resist being happy so we can "fit in". That need of being part of something is what holds us back.
So, I challenge you to be part of something greater... be part of the change. I challenge you to embrace life as it comes and experience it fully.
I challenge you to be HAPPY.
Go where you wished to go but you never did for all the reasons you created till now.
Dare to do that one thing you wanted for so long, but never found the right time.
Decide right now to embrace life and fill those empty spaces that hold you back from living happy.
I'm not asking you to be this or that... I'm asking you to Be You... joy and love. And when you do that, life will open up to you and bring you all the things that you need to "compensate" for the material things that you "sacrificed" to live life and embrace the change.
You are blessed, live up to it!
Transformation Coach I Fertility Coach I International Bestselling Author I Speaker I Energy Healer I Empowering women to heal, love themselves, gain clarity, achieve more and transform their lives from the inside out!
3yI agree. We can’t avoid change so embracing it is crucial for our mental health and well-being and to be able to move forward in life :)