Our Right & Responsibility as Americans
As we head into the season of Gratitude from 11/10 to New Year's Day (which include the Marine Corp Birthday (11/10), Veterans Day (11/11), Thanksgiving, Kwanza, Chanukah, Pearl Harbor Day, Festivus, Christmas and New Years), we must ensure we execute our civic duty and right to vote. My post is not designed to provide an opinion on our choices and would ask you not to use the comment section to state your views for one candidate or another. My post is only designed to remind you to VOTE. Pray for all our leaders: past, present and future. Remember America has always been about the FUTURE and ensuring we remain the UNITED States of America. "E pluribus unum" means "out of many ONE." I remain grateful for my right and responsibility to VOTE. Let the Season of Gratitude begin!! Be well.
A repost from a few years ago:
On this Election day, I am grateful for simple words like RIGHTS and FREEDOMS. I think about the men and women, who since our country's founding, sacrificed in many, many ways to make these words mean something that defines our democracy. I also remember the words of Patrick Henry who said, "Give me Liberty or Give me Death." Don't we live in an amazing country where WE THE PEOPLE have the right and responsibility to keep the memory and words of Patrick Henry alive...just by voting. I feel that when we vote we are honoring those men and women who sacrificed in order to give us one of our greatest gifts: A Republic. Please don't forget to vote today; it is a right and a privilege. God Bless the USA.
US Marine Corps Veteran • Sales & Systems Engineering Executive Leader • IT / Cybersecurity Product Strategist • SaaS, IaaS & PaaS Expert • Business Development Champion
8yThank you Mr Finn
Real Estate Investor / Advisor l Affordable Single / Multi-Family & BTR Housing Consultant l Executive Sales Closer l Debt Relief Advocate.
8yTrump , First Lady Clinton - in either scenario we as Americans have a responsibility - naive to think two people control everything - having power is totally different than controlling - we must stand and be counted! Black /White, Jew /Gentile, Male / Female, Rich/Poor. Bottom line - let's get busy living or get busy dying - I for one vote for living.
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