This is about making CHOICES. Not about making CHANGES.
I've done dozens of workshops, classes and coaching programs. I've signed up for countless mailing lists, info sessions, webinars, growth hacks and cheatsheets.
And you know the one message they all seem to have in common? "You're doing XYZ wrong and here is WHAT YOU NEED TO CHANGE to fix it."
It's the exact same thing coming from most of the "Personal Branding" coaches out there.
They all tell you to "start with you values" - as if it's just that simple. Of course, we all know that's the place to begin... our deepest Values are the starting point for everything that really matters.
But accessing that part of ourselves - in a way that we can actually communicate & leverage - can be damn near impossible.
Don't get me wrong - An expanded and improved Skillset is a beautiful thing. Our Skillset matters... a lot.
And that's why 'Skillset' is actually where we start AND end the SuperpowerU process. Because ultimately, this is about being able to articulate our unique value proposition - clearly, concisely and powerfully.
When you can go beyond "what you do" and truly communicate what you "REALLY, really do" based on how you think & feel and what you believe... ALL of the conversations surrounding your business change completely.
This is a critical distinction.
It's not necessarily about doing anything different. It's really about doing what you're already doing, different-LY... and then successfully communicating that difference to your audience.
For example, it's the difference between "the chore of school drop off" and "the chance to spend a few more minutes of quality time with your kids". You're not doing anything different... But you ARE doing it different-ly.
The purpose of this isn't making CHANGES. The purpose is getting into the habit of regularly making clear, personal, specific, and intentional CHOICES.
What/ How we CHOOSE to THINK (about who we are and what we do)
What/ How we CHOOSE to FEEL (about who we are and what we do)
What we CHOOSE to BELIEVE (about who we are and what we do)
Change may be a likely OUTCOME. But it's more like a happy side effect of being able to declare 'who you really are and what your business is really about' by taking the time to look within and consciously make these choices.
For example, "losing weight" is a happy side effect of 1st CHOOSING Healthfulness/ Wellness... and 2nd getting REALLY freaking clear about what that means to you specifically, personally in any given moment.
Being more aware of your Mindset...
and more aligned with your Heartset...
shifts how you communicate your Skillset.
I can just about hear you asking "What the hell does a portrait photographer know about any of this??"
For over 12 years, my portrait sessions have evolved to the point where they really come down to just one thing. They are a steady flow of intentional CHOICES that we make... moment by moment.
What we say, and think, and do matters. How we communicate with the world matters. How we show up matters. How we represent ourselves and our values matters. Who we truly believe we are matters. How we communicate that to ourselves matters.
“Photography" is just pressing buttons. That's what I DO.
But deep down, this isn’t about photography. So what do I REALLY, really do?
My portrait sessions are a chance to play, exploring and expressing who you really are. They're a chance to see your own greatness reflected back to you.
And the coolest part is that you get to make a choice… moment by moment. It’s an oscillating dance of self-expression & self-reflection - back and forth… back and forth.
My portrait sessions are about 1000 chances to visually reaffirm who you really are... and sometimes more importantly, who you are not.
I mean just look at this! These images all express completely different aspects of her Identity. But in a portrait session, we don't find these incredible degrees of subtlety by making big CHANGES. We find them by making tiny, precise CHOICES.
Which one is "REAL"? Which one is "RIGHT"? When you can articulate EXACTLY who you really are and what really matters it becomes a lot easier to know how to powerfully and precisely communicate your Identity (and by extension, your unique vision and value).
I've stopped communicating that I'm just another 'photographer'... even though that's still what "I do".
I've finally stepped into my own truth. And what I can say (hand on heart) is that what I REALLY, really do is guide you through a wilderness of uncertainty and discomfort to help you communicate your IDENTITY through a curated process that realigns, redefines and reignites your PURPOSE. And then I help you EMBODY those traits so you can EXPRESS YOUR TRUTH in your portraits.
This isn't some idea I just dreamed up. Over the past 18 months I have put myself (and by extension, my business) through the ringer in order to come up with this. But I didn't have a guide. I just had a box full of random parts and no instruction manual.
Just like my portrait sessions, doing this level of self-work takes some serious commitment and an unflinching willingness to look in the mirror. It's not always easy and it's not always pretty.
And just like my portrait sessions, there's a whole lot of crap we will have to work through before we can get to the 'good stuff'.
But it's all been worth it. Because now ALL of the conversations surrounding my business are completely different.
And that is where SuperpowerU comes from.
I have found my way to the cleanest, clearest articulation of MY Unique Skillset...
based entirely on how I see the world (Mindset)...
the value I'm here in this world to create (Heartset)...
and how I want people to feel who experience me and my work (from all sides).
And now I'm working with my clients (way upstream of the portrait session) in order to create even more powerful and precise portraits... with real honesty and authenticity.
Because 100% of it comes from your new choices about who you really are.
💎 Iconic Strategist 💎 Celebrity Branding 💎 VIP Private Experiences
8moOoomph got me in the feels. THIS is exactly what the market needs. No more showing up for a few headshots... this is true, genius work.