HHS Needs Small Business Government Contractors and Industry Partners
Register in the HHS Vendor Supplier Portal to rise above your competition. If federal buyers find enough qualified businesses in their own directory, they won't look anywhere else!
The HHS Vendor Supplier Portal
HHS awards approximately $30B to government contractors but there are 12 Operating Divisions in HHS and each procures their own goods and services independently. When the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) needs Small Business industry partners like you, will they find you?
Only a tiny percentage of procurement-ready companies are currently registered in the HHS inhouse Small Business Directory compared to those in the SBA's DSBS database. You need to get inside HHS!
How to Become Visible to HHS Federal Buyers and Acquisition Professionals
Make sure your company is registered in HHS' OSDBU Small Business Directory (SBCX)
Take a moment to review the HHS Spending Trend reports which list frequently used NAICS codes.
Search the HHS Small Business Directory to learn about possible teaming partners and competitors. In the image below we show how the results would look from a 'cloud technology' search.
Update your registration whenever your qualifications and other important information change.
7 Easy Steps for HHS SBCX Registration
PREREQUISITE | Make sure you have your UEI and CAGE numbers (grabi it from your DSBS profile here).
Go to SBCX Registration and Click 'Register' in the top menu.
Enter your Email and then confirm with your Validation Code (sent to your email inbox)
Add your Contact Information
Add your company's UEI and CAGE codes
Confirm your company when the information is displayed
Create a password for your HHS SBCX Account
Registration Complete
There are HHS OSDBU office representatives who are directly responsible for the HHS agency you want to work with.
The HHS Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU) ensures that small businesses, small disadvantaged businesses, 8(a) business development program, women-owned, service-disabled veteran-owned, and HUBZone businesses have access to contract opportunities with HHS.
Attend HHS Vendor Engagement Session (VES) to stay current of opportunities and agency priorities
Connect with:
Office of HHS Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (HHS OSDBU) : Executive Director Shannon Jackson
The HHS Small Biz team
Interested in a Specific Opportunity?
If you are interested in a specific opportunity, the OSDBU office can help! Let them know the opportunity you are interested in, your core capabilities and describe how you can be effective.
Email the OSDBU office with the following information:
The name and contact information of the Contracting Officer
The HHS operating or staff division (e.g. NIH, FDA, CMS)
The title of the opportunity
Where you saw the opportunity
Why you think your company is a good match for the opportunity
HHS Small Business Specialists and Operating Divisions
Here are the 2024 contacts who can advise you and respond to your contracting questions.
Administration for Children and Families (ACF) Christine Haber, Christine.Haber@hhs.gov, 202-853-1616
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Wayne Berry, Wayne.Berry@hhs.gov, 202-390-5801
Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Gwendolyn Miles, Gwendolyn.Miles@hhs.gov, 202-758-5124 LaTonya Dent, LaTonya.Dent@hhs.gov, 202-748-0571
Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Anita Allen, Anita.Allen1@cms.hhs.gov, 202-640-0264 Christine Haber, Christine.Haber@hhs.gov, 202-853-1616
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Cindy Anderson, Cynthia.Anderson@hhs.gov, 202-578-1356
Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Wayne Berry, Wayne.Berry@hhs.gov, 202-390-5801
Indian Health Service (IHS) Jonathan Ferguson, Jonathan.Ferguson@hhs.gov, 202-740-5509
National Institutes of Health (NIH) Natasha Boyce, Natasha.Boyce@hhs.gov, 202-640-8118 Melanie Carter, Melanie.Carter@hhs.gov, 202-760-0066 Jonathan Ferguson, Jonathan.Ferguson@hhs.gov, 202-740-5509 Anita Allen, Anita.Allen1@cms.hhs.gov, 202-640-0264
Office of Inspector General (OIG) Amy Ulisse, amy.ulisse@hhs.gov, 771-216-7719
Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response (ASPR) LaTonya Dent, LaTonya.Dent@hhs.gov, 202-748-0571
Office of the Secretary, Office of Acquisition Management Services (OAMS) Mike Baltzgar, Michael.Baltzgar@hhs.gov, 240-972-4559
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Gwendolyn Miles, Gwendolyn.Miles@hhs.gov, 202-758-5124
Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H) Cindy Anderson, Cynthia.Anderson@hhs.gov, 202-578-1356
HHS maintains its own Opportunity Forecast searchable by title, NAICS, Operating Division and more. The results show contract data with names and emails for key program office POCs.
You can research and filter HHS contract opportunities that might become available to compete for that align with your core competencies.
By OPDIV / STAFF DIV with NAICS codes and preferred procurement methods.
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