A growing list of critical leadership skills
This short article represents the first in a series of posts discussing the evolution of the leadership characteristics required for success in today's business environment. It is important to note that the views expressed in these articles are my own and do not necessarily represent those of any groups or organizations with which I am associated.
Based on more than two decades of closely observing and engaging with business leaders around the world, including board members, corporate executives and entrepreneurs, I am extremely confident suggesting that the number of key skills required to lead successfully in today's business climate has notably increased.
Beyond the traditional professional skills that are still a requirement for effective leaders (i.e. visioning, decision making, communication, etc.), leaders looking to differentiate themselves must now look to proactively develop the contributing personal traits (i.e. authenticity, emotional intelligence, adaptability, etc.) as well as establish a significantly deeper understanding of how emerging technologies will ultimately influence their organizations' short, medium and long-term success.
While there are hundreds of published frameworks associated with the development of professional leadership skills, there are very few constructs or models in existence today that outline a development path for the personal and technology skills required by the modern leader. Ironically, there are countless examples online referencing where leaders have stalled their development or derailed their organizations' progress due to deficiencies in one or more of these contemporary skills.
Every critical skill can be developed over time, regardless of where a leader is at in their career. However, it is incumbent upon the leader, or the company that is looking to invest in that leader, to ensure that a development path includes the essential skills from all three domains (professional, personal and technology) to avoid the lack of and/or imbalance in leadership skills that so often leads to the unrealized potential of the leader and the organizations that they govern.