The Curse of Unutilized Gift
I believe we are all born with talents and gifts that were meant to bring value to this world, and to also give our lives a sense of meaning. I also believe that when these gifts are not tapped into or utilised, they will bring turmoil and restlessness to our souls. The ghosts of an unutilised gift can haunt you until you part ways with this world, unless you make use of it.
We have different gifts for one main reason; which is to give our lives a sense of meaning. Whatever your purpose or mission in life, it can only be fulfilled by using your God given talent or gift. Your soul knows this. It is the reason why everything you touch or do which does not require you to tap into your gift will not give you the satisfaction you desire or long for.
Sometimes not using your gift can result in severe discomforts of life. Life will throw uncomfortable situations at you with the intention to push you to use your gift as a solution. There are endless examples in life of people who were saved by their gifts. There are also examples of people who never used their gifts and ended up living their lives in despair.
You will feel like you are cursed because nothing you try will materialise into anything meaningful, this is because there is something within you that is not utilised, that is your gift.
Society has a way of moulding and framing what success is or should be for us. As a result, we end up neglecting and abandoning our sole mission on earth. When you abandon your mission, you will mostly likely pursue something which will not propel you to use your gift. Whenever you are placed, or when you find yourself in a position that will make you side-track your gift, you become an irritation or a bitter fruit to that environment.
You will often think that you are useless or not worthy of anything great, this is not too far from the truth, because your greatness can never be revealed or spawn in a place where your gift is not used. People will be promoted but you won’t, people will be happy but you won’t, you will work twice as hard but still not be recognised for your effort. This is what I call the curse of a gift that is not utilised.
Arguably, you can achieve whatever it is you set for yourself, but until it is something that truly reflects the utilisation of your gift or talent, you will always feel dead inside, this is what I call the curse of unutilised gift.
People will praise and applaud you for what you’ve done, but if that doesn’t reflect the utilisation of your gift, you will still feel like you achieved nothing, and this is what I call the curse of unutilised gift.
A big problem with your gift is that it is not meant for menial and trivial wars, it is meant to assist you to combat challenges that are in line with your purpose or mission in life.
This is the reason why you will be thrown to the deep-end or harsh conditions of life, so that you can exercise that gift. Just like a muscle, your gift can only be potent or strong when you exercise it. There is thus training or trials you have to go through so that you can be totally be in tune with your gift.
During this process, it will feel like you have chosen a wrong path, because of the challenges you will face. Just like a muscle, you have to go through this uncomfortable process because that is the only way your gift can be moulded. Your gift is something you have to work on, it is something you have to invest your time and energy in, so that it can bare the fruits it is meant to bare for you.
Wherever you are in life, ask yourself if you are using your gift to its full capacity. This is a journey you have to walk yourself. As Jim Rohn said, “You can’t hire another person to do your push-ups for you”. This is something you cannot delegate.
Whatever your gift is, use it. If you haven’t found it, seek it. The best way to find what your gift, is by looking into situations in your life that are stealing your peace, then seek within yourself tools to combat those situations. There you will surely find your gift.
Ask yourself if all the challenges and hardships you are going through are a result of something you are gifted with and not using. What if you are cursed by your gift? You don’t want to get to the end of your life and ask yourself; how your life could have turned out had you used your gift. This is something you don’t want on your conscious, it will surely haunt you forever. Avoid the curse of your unutilised gift!