Citywire Asia Private Wealth - Fund Selector 2022 - 60 Seconds with Selectors
Meet the personalities behind 12 fund selectors featured in the latest issue of Citywire Asia's digital publication as they take on a series of rapid-fire questions.
From their plans for 2023 (travel more or learn a new skill?), their preferences on sitting near the pantry or the printer, and even their take on bitcoin and gold, here’s a round-up of all the videos from #60secondswithselectors.
- Arjan de Boer, Indosuez Wealth Management
- Charis Wong, Credit Suisse
- Cynthia Lai, Bank of Singapore
- George Lam, HSBC Global Private Banking
- Hon Hoong Chong, Bank J Safra Sarasin
- Jansen Phee, UBS Global Wealth Management
- Jaye Chiu, The Bank of East Asia, Limited (BEA)
- Jonathan Tung, Goldman Sachs Private Wealth Management
- Lina Lim, HSBC Global Private Banking
- Marc Lansonneur, DBS
- Nathan Lim, Morgan Stanley Private Wealth Management Asia
- Yvonne Leung, JP Morgan Private Bank
In our latest fund selector issue, the same top Asia gatekeepers tell us how they have raised cash balances, yet found ways to stay invested for growth with higher allocations to alternatives, while looking at opportunities in China, India and Japan.
Read our digital publication to find out more:
Arjan de Boer Charis Wong Cynthia Lai George Lam, CFA, CAIA Hon Hoong Chong Jansen Phee Jaye Chiu Tung, Jonathan Lina Lim Marc Lansonneur Nathan Lim Yvonne Leung, CFA
Thank you to Arjan de Boer Charis Wong Cynthia Lai George Lam, CFA, CAIA Hon Hoong Chong Jansen Phee Jaye Chiu Tung, Jonathan Lina Lim Marc Lansonneur Nathan Lim Yvonne Leung, CFA for participating in this! 🌟