April 2023: Celebrating Earth Month
The month of April marks the celebration of Earth Month, a time when individuals and organizations around the world unite to raise awareness about environmental issues and take action toward creating a more sustainable future. However, for Seneca Resources, this commitment is not limited to just one month; we invest in our planet every day by integrating innovative solutions to reduce our impact on the environment.
Surface Footprint Neutral
Seneca is committed to minimizing impacts on biodiversity and regularly goes beyond regulatory requirements to understand, maintain, and increase biodiversity throughout our operating areas. Most recently, it planted 260 trees on a reclaimed well pad and abandoned pipeline corridor within Elk State Forest in Elk County, Pennsylvania. The tree planting is part of Seneca's Surface Footprint Neutral plan, which includes restoring, enhancing, or protecting biodiversity by returning one acre of land to the environment for every acre disturbed by its operations. Seneca Resources plans to return 37 acres in 2023; the Elk State Forest project accounts for approximately 4 acres of this goal.
"Seneca Resources recognizes that habitat loss and invasive plant species are leading threats to sustained, healthy biodiversity," said Ben Williams, Sr. Manager, Construction. "This reclamation project is a testament to Seneca's commitment to leave behind as small a footprint as possible so that future generations can continue to enjoy the natural resources our operating area has to offer."
Seneca Resources worked with Pennsylvania's Department of Environmental Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) and the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) to determine strategies for the biodiversity project. Benefits include increased forest health and resiliency, improved wildlife habitat, and enhanced watershed health.
The Surface Footprint Neutral project is one of several ways Seneca Resources works to enhance biodiversity throughout its operating territory. The company also actively finds ways to repurpose stone, trees, root wads, and other natural materials displaced by pad and road construction. Instead of selling or disposing of these materials, Seneca stockpiles the materials and then works with local conservation groups to put them to good use.
Learn more about these and other biodiversity projects in Seneca's latest Corporate Responsibility Report.
Committed to Our Communities
Another important aspect of Seneca Resources' commitment to Environmental Stewardship is our focus on community engagement. We recognize sustainability is not just about reducing Seneca's impact, but also about empowering others to take action towards a more sustainable future. As a result, Seneca Resources' employee volunteer program, Seneca Serves, has partnered with local organizations to improve the communities in which we live, work, and
Employees in our Cranberry office teamed up with the Butler-Freeport Community trail to assist with cleanup, planting, mulching, and staining. The 21-mile scenic trail follows Buffalo Creek and is a popular spot for bikers, runners, and walkers.
In Eastern Pennsylvania, Seneca Serves volunteers from our Mansfield and Williamsport offices volunteered their time to plant trees throughout Rider Park, located in Pennsylvania's Trout Run area.
And NFG Midstream employees celebrated Earth Day by participating in the 2nd Annual "NFG Days of Doing". They volunteered to spruce up Trout Run Park in Lycoming County, PA. Employees picked up trash and debris and planted Azalea bushes and a Norwegian Red Maple tree.
Hydrocarbons: Helping You Live a Better Life
Have you ever thought about all the ways hydrocarbons are utilized throughout our day-to-day lives? In the latest episode of our video series "Hydrocarbons: Helping You Live a Better Life", we highlight how natural gas is fueling one Seneca employee's love for music.