#13. The visible rituals are only the small tip of Agile [The playbook for HOW! A journey to sustainable performance in the digital age]
Operating in an Agile manner or with Agile ways of working can be a core enabler of transforming your organisation into a digital business. This is a principle I agree with, and have used and seen used to create great customer experiences and significant business value. What's important to focus on, as it always has been and will be, is not the approach in itself (Agile), but rather the delivered outcomes (great customer experiences and significant business value).
This may seem to be fundamentally understandable, however it is interesting to observe how many organisations, including enterprises, only adapt the visible rituals of Agile without making the additional changes to their core operating model and ways of working that are less visible but more material to overall success.
The visible rituals of Agile include:
The core operating model and ways of working changes that enable Agile include:
To get the best outcomes from going Agile ensure you do the hard, complex and challenging work of making all of the enabling changes to your core operating model and ways of working best practice provides guidance on; implementing the visible rituals by themselves will not deliver material success.