
Leverage rich analysis of your own data with ease and flexibility.

Candello Explore empowers users to deeply analyze their open and closed cases to understand exposures, trends, and areas of highest risk at a granular level. Examples of the questions that Explore enables you to answer include:

- Are communication issues in internal medicine similar across our large practice groups?
- Are there resident supervision issues within neurosurgery? How do these issues compare to our other services? Other hospitals in the system?
- Which specialties are we doing a better job with peer-to-peer communication? What can we learn from them?

Candello Explore enables you to understand and identify relative, role-based risk associated with types of cases. For example, What level of risk do our OR PAs contribute to our orthopedic surgery cases?

This product is intended for

  • Health System Manager
  • Risk Manager
  • Safety Manager
  • Public Health Analyst
  • Medical Analyst
  • Clinical Data Analyst


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