
Connecting the Dots in Omnichannel - So much more than ‘just withdrawing cash’

ATMs and kiosks provide self-service capabilities for bank customers and reduce reliance on branches.

Customers can do so much more with an ATM than withdrawing cash, such as purchasing a prepaid card, top-up a mobile account or travel pass, or even buying film tickets using biometric, NFC contactless or face recognition technology.

Key Benefits of SmartVista ATM Management
- Kiosks and ATMs for digital ‘anything as a service’
- Real-time monitoring, 24/7 uptime
- Digital onboarding - on site
- Full brand presence on "every corner"
- End-to-end digitisation from KYC onboarding to a product purchase
- Multi-brand, multi-host, multi-currency
- Easy screen flow configuration
- A pre-build set of 35+ transaction types
- Cardless, biometric, QR based transactions

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