This week I was fortunate enough to attend Taking Steps in BC hosted by Impact United and Richard M. (and MC’d by the lovely Geena Jackson) to bring together Indigenous entrepreneurs, investors and intermediaries to better understand the financing challenges for Indigenous-led enterprises.
Here are my key takeaways that I want to share with you all. All of these ideas came from amazing panelists at the event such as Sage Lacerte, Ryan St. Germaine, Angel Aubichon, Paul Lacerte, Teara Fraser, Julie Williams, and others!
🏦 The current financial systems were built to exclude Indigenous peoples; now we must build up the financial infrastructure to support Indigenous peoples.
✳ We need to increase risk tolerance for impact and Indigenous investing.
💕 To decolonize, we need to 1. Build true long-lasting relationships, spend a year drinking tea with others. 2. Address any power dynamics in the room and provide support. 3. Stand in your integrity and walk the talk, aka do what you said you were going to do. If you are not, reflect on why and course correct.
🏵 Live into your medicine, and if you think of your work or business as medicine, reflect on how this is helping your community. (I really wish there was a medicine wheel emoji for this one!!)
⏳ In the last 100 years we have gone off course as a society, so what are you doing to ensure we get back on course in the next 100 years?