We appreciate members of the local Wiregrass area law enforcement visiting the home of #ArmyAviation at Fort Novosel, Ala., to learn more about our mission and activity! #MeetYourArmy 📷by Kelly Morris
Great community relationships! Awesome group of leaders! I know they enjoyed the experience flying with the best!
Former Safety Director & OIC Southeast Asia JPAC
1w"Not So Grand" - A Precise, Comprehensive, Incomparable Case Study of Grand Canyon Nation Park, OSHA, OSC, and Others 'Leadership' and Safety Culture: Exhibit E: Safety Officer Report to Secretary of the Interior – Grand Canyon Workers Stalked CPR Trainer Causing Her to Pack a Gun, Taser and a former U.S. Army Ranger Out of Fear and Protection as she provided lifesaving training to Grand Canyon National Park workers. She was contracted by Safety Officer after inspection following AED Crisis (Exhibit D) found that despite Department of Interior (DOI) stated goal of 100% worker First Aid + CPR trained; Grand Canyon had only approximately 25%. https://app.box.com/s/ii8mzcqfij0cbyixhlojolbb8vcuuj68