They call it a miracle trial, I call it bullsh*t.
Trigger warning: ableism.
Autism cannot be cured and doesn’t need a cure. It’s not a virus, or a bacteria, or anything of those sorts. It’s neurodevelopmental. I was born autistic and I will die autistic.
I’m not gonna go into why this trial is nonsensical (hello, a 2 people sample? Seriously?). I don’t have the energy.
What I wanted to highlight is how the parents believed the scientists. They’ve said:
“Through this approach, we have witnessed the radical recovery of one daughter - who presents today as a joyful, engaging, spirited, extremely bright four-year-old.”
It's not a radical recovery because there was nothing to recover from.
Perhaps this 4 year old didn’t present as “joyful, engaging, spirited and extremely bright” 🙄 because her way of showing that is different from neurotypicals. And because she was probably lacking proper support. I'm living proof of this.
I was depressed until I left Spain and came to the UK. Why? Simple. I couldn’t regulate in Spain. When I started regulating in the UK, depression went away. But (shocker) autism didn't go away.
I’m still autistic.
It’s sad that these "scientists" are using vulnerable parents to reach whatever their goal is.
There’s nothing wrong with being autistic. Stop trying to find a cure for something that doesn’t need it.
If you’re a parent of an autistic child, you’re not alone. Check the The National Autistic Society for more information about autism, or approach autistic people on social media who are open to talking with you. I’m one of those people, so feel free to reach out to me if you wanna talk!
PS: You can check Charlie Kiley's recent post about this. She provides an overview of the research!
#AutismAcceptance #AutismEmpowerment #Neurodiversity #ActuallyAutistic #Parents #Parenthood
Image description: An image of 2 news articles about the research, calling it a 'miracle' trial and saying that autism can be reversed.