Great employees aren't just found they are built!
Putting the right processes in place, creating consistency, all that good stuff builds structure.
BUT you can’t have a strong company with great structure without great people, and great people don’t just show up fully formed, ready to be perfect for your business.
A truly great employee isn’t just “found”, they’re developed, nurtured, and challenged in the right ways.
Expecting to hire someone off the street and assume they’ll fit seamlessly or bring all the right skills isn’t realistic.
Greatness comes from having the tools and guidance to bring out their potential, which means investing in mentoring and development.
So building process and structure is really important, remember that it’s really about how that structure supports people to grow and shine, not just follow rules.
If you box in your best talent, their creativity, drive, and skills can and WILL get stunted.
When you find the right balance, that’s where the magic happens.
People who are developed, who have space to think and innovate, will become your highest performers.
Ultimately, the backbone of a great company.
So, yes, build structure. But don’t forget that structure should bring out the best in people, not turn them into robots.
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