Global Patient Survey: Can a simple share help empower kidney cancer patients?
In January 2023, I took the role of Chair of the Medical Advisory Board of the International Kidney Cancer Coalition (IKCC). We are a group of clinical experts from around the globe with a mandate to provide scientific and clinical expertise to IKCC and support its commitment to evidence-based leadership and patient engagement.
As such, a focus has been increasing clinician-patient engagement through leadership and training programs, including our Clinical Leadership Workshops where clinicians and patient advocacy leaders come together to better understand patient engagement and how it improves patient outcomes.
While we continue to scale up the training program, how can we, members of the kidney cancer community, take steps to ensure our patients’ voices, values and experiences are included in all decisions about treatment and care? When we are already operating in resource- and time-strapped health systems, it can seem overwhelming.
But may I offer you a suggestion?
If you work with people affected by kidney cancer – patients, survivors or caregivers – please consider telling them about the IKCC Global Patient Survey on Kidney Cancer and Growths and encourage then to participate. The biennial survey is an opportunity for people to share their experiences and voice their insights related to access to care, quality of life, involvement in clinical trials, shared decision-making and more.
Since the first survey was launched in 2018, results have been instrumental to IKCC’s evidence-based initiatives. There have been published research papers, clinical conference presentations, educational resources, and more. Through these projects and programs, patients’ perspectives are reaching healthcare providers, government bodies and decision makers, industry partners and other stakeholders who influence patient care.
By encouraging survey participation, and investing just 20 minutes of their time, you are empowering the people in your clinical community. In one of 16 available languages, they can have their real-life experiences heard, counted and considered. And ultimately, they can help improve the lives of people affected by kidney cancer globally.
The survey is open till 15 November. You can find the IKCC Global Patient Survey on Kidney Cancer and Growths here:
Chief Medical Officer - Medicare, Aetna/CVS Health | Faculty, Yale Med + Kellogg | Physician Executive, Health Innovator + Social Entrepreneur | Investor, Advisor + Board Director
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