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🌍 Redefining Nuclear Energy with Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactors (LFTRs) 🌍
In just 5 minutes, explore how LFTR technology is set to transform the nuclear energy sector. With unparalleled safety, efficiency, and a drastic reduction in nuclear waste, LFTRs present a compelling solution for sustainable energy. This video provides key insights into the benefits and challenges of implementing thorium-based reactors.
🔍 Dive deeper into the future of clean energy and how it can impact our industry and careers. Watch now and let's discuss the possibilities for innovation and growth in the energy sector!
Scared of Radiation? Watch Galen Windsor eat it:
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#LiquidFission#GotThorium#Fission4All#LiquidFission RadiationIsGood4U
Nobody is talking about a better fossil fuel solution.
Because everybody with the exception of O&G and munitions industry folks knows combustion and energy dependency are at the end of their primitive millennium long life.
Helping Australians understand nuclear, micro & small modular reactors.
Thorium fuels new nuclear technology is one of the best potential sources for clean, safe, environmentally friendly and reliable energy for Australia and the world. China and India are moving quickly. Lift our nuclear bans Australia and be part of the future.
The Nuclear (Medicine) Renaissance is upon us.
There is a joke that Fusion is always 30 years away. Well, not anymore. It is backed by venture capital; those folks don’t mess around timelines.
We’ll start from fission. It is Fission Friday!
Even if the US didn't want to, other countries would do it anyway.
In some areas, US leads; in some, we don’t.
Old design high-pressure water reactors were invented for making plutonium; they are too big and complex, can meltdown, and water can expand…
And ultimately, they have to go.
Regulations and high costs will be the last nails in the coffin.
New designs are focused on a few critical improvements,
starting from
(A) higher operating temperatures (higher efficiency at the turbine),
(AA) lower operating pressure (no water is involved - safety)
(YAY) the ability to extract nuclear isotopes from high neutron flux zones for medicine, industrial, and space use.
0. I think Radiant is essentially the old water design.
I need to understand how they plan to make old designs safe in a smaller format.
Unless they switch to molten salt (1) or pebble (3), I believe it is DOA.
Yes, modular emergency reactors are the future and replacement for Diesels, but not in the old water design.
1. Molten Fluoride Salt of Thorium and Uranium (LFTRs).
It breeds its fuel out of Thorium, which is dirt cheap right now, into U233;
Flibe Energy - Kirk Sorensen's revamp from old designs that got axed in the 70s.
I strongly recommend watching all 2.5 hours of his video from 13 years ago; it is prophetic;
He is entertaining and funny for the general audience and the best of the best.
You can watch it as a documentary with some popcorn with the fam.
LFTR is the front-runner for the continuous output of nuclear medicine and engineering isotopes. And that’s $$$.
This design doesn't produce military material.
Only civil use.
Competitors are Europe, India, and China. China had a lead this year.
2. Molten Sodium (=Natrium) breeder:
The Russians were the first to make it, BN-600/800 (Bistro Neutrons—fast neutrons, not room-temperature ones).
Bill Gates is building it in Montana via his TerraPower.
The low-pressure molten sodium coolant ensures that U238, which accounts for more than 99% of all mined uranium, gets "bred" into Pu239, which would be spent in the core … if left there.
In this sense, the Montana facility is primed for military uses, and I haven't heard about medical.
So, military use ... in Montana. What else is in Montana?
3. High-temperature pebble reactors (HTRs).
Japan is ahead in this: because of its high-temperature design, it is the gate for industrial production of carbon-neutral hydrogen and other industrial applications where high temperature (>1000C) is used.
So, our steel production will move to Japan really, really soon.
Industrial production will return to PE and SF, but when?
Hydrogen cars are coming back, too.
#ElonMusk goes #Nuclear! He opposes #fusion energy and speaks up for Fission! Liquid Fission #Thorium!
Here's a collection of some of his key notes on the subject of #NuclearEnergy:
"I think modern nuclear power plants are safe contrary to what people may think."
"I really think it's possible to make very extremely safe nuclear."
"I'm talking about fission.... You don't need Fusion... Why do we also need to build Fusion reactors here on Earth?. You've got that big Fusion reactor in the sky called the sun. It comes up every day. It means that because solar panels already exist, why do we also need to build Fusion reactors here on Earth"
"It is very important that Germany not shut down its nuclear power stations. I think this is extremely crazy."
"It is crazy to shut down nuclear power plants now, especially if you are in a place where there are no natural disasters."
"I can't emphasise that enough. This is total madness to shut them down. I want to be clear, total madness."
"I want to be super clear, you should not only not shut down the nuclear power plants but you should also reopen the ones that have already shut down."
See more on this great video discussing the topics:
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Elon Musk's Take On Thorium Salt Reactors!
Nuclear power facilities frequently face strong opposition from the public due to the different perceived...
Quark-Electron Plasma Reactors are the inevitable future.
There is no water. No cooling. No dangerous radiation. Just an innocent looking piece of metal that will create both electricity and the force of gravity. These reactors will be used in our future spaceships to move them just like all the UAP's have for the decades we've seen them.
These reactors could be buried underground completely out of sight.
The catalyst for the reaction are the electrons that the absolute zero field of space is made of. The same field that also bends light and gives different electromagnetic radiation different speed limits. The Big Bang Theory doesn't allow scientists to utilize the zero-point energy of this field that creates all energy including gravity.
The electrons will be harvested by an ungrounded shield that surrounds the reactor.
Danger simply won't exist.
Isn't this what fusion is supposed to be?
Quark-electron plasma is what fusion is supposed to be.
Every other energy source that currently exists is now effectively useless. We cannot waste any more time on any of them.
Lead-cooled fast reactors (#LFRs) are emerging as one of the most promising solutions within Generation IV nuclear reactors.
Advantages of Lead-Cooled Reactors:
• They have a high boiling point (1737°C) and low chemical reactivity, allowing them to operate at atmospheric pressure and #reducing the risk of explosions or fires.
• Lead effectively #retains gamma radiation and #absorbs fission products like iodine and cesium up to 600°C, reducing radiation risk.
• High thermal capacity and natural circulation allow for #passive cooling, even if the reactor shuts down.
Challenges in LFR technology:
• Lead can be #corrosive at high temperatures, prompting the development of special materials and coatings for protection.
• Lead’s high #density can complicate construction and seismic safety.
• LBE alloy poses an issue with polonium-210 production, a highly #toxic radioactive element, making pure lead a #preferable choice.
Safety features:
• LFRs utilize natural #circulation for core cooling in the event of a power loss.
• They have #no chemical interaction with water, #avoiding hydrogen formation and explosions like those seen in Fukushima reactors.
• Multiple heat removal systems ensure #safety even without external power.
Buried in a 0.8 m diameter well, 2 km from the earth's surface, where the pressure and insulation are sufficient and inexpensive. This PWR (pressurized water reactor), presented by Deep Fusion, has several advantages
The focus needs to be on 'next gen.' m-a-n-u-f-a-c-t-u-r-a-b-l-i-t-y as a low cost-risk turnkey deliverable (NOT on 'next-gen' reactor designs). I first heard of the FNPP approach way back in early-2000's, & it's gaining repeatability.
Chief Executive Officer at SKAARUP MARITIME - C-Suite | Ship Management | Business Development | Consulting | Environmental Sustainability | Life Cycle Assessment | Circular Economy
7mogreat speech by Kirk Sorensen from Flibe Energy