1 year at Cameron-Brooks, Inc. Thankful for the entire team here (and all my other mentors)! 10 lessons I learned in Year 1 of Biz (Written to myself):
1. The transition was hard. Harder than you thought it would be, but so rewarding. You did it. You laid the foundation of your career brick by brick, with the help of so many others.
2. Mentors can make the difference. You have that all around you, organic and inorganic to the organization. Joel Junker, and Pete Van Epps: Thank you.
3. You will feel an itch. You will feel The Dip. In fact, you already have. The honeymoon wore off quickly. Work is work, so remember why you joined this organization.
4. It takes time. Don’t expect to be an expert right away. You will learn more in your first year, and in the first 5 years of your career, if you let it.
5. Embrace the Growth Mindset. Pound a stake in the ground right now. Commit to the mindset that you will never arrive. There’s so much you don’t know.
6. Add value where you can. Little things add up to the big things!
7. The sharpest, brightest, most intellectual, wise, and humble leaders you’ve met, listened to, and spoken to, have at least one thing (if not many) in common: They are READERS!
8. Be intellectually curious. LEARN
9. “Big Ears, Big Eyes, Itty Bitty Mouth”.
10. You are standing on the shoulders of giants. Your individual success is built upon the knowledge, achievements, and innovations of those who have gone before you. Those ahead of you have already done more for you than you realize.
11. Remember, working is important. Work can be – AND IS – a vehicle for things more important.
This former Navy Officer, Brock Dudley, has officially been helping coach JMOs through their transitions for ONE YEAR!
And he's been soaking up all 45 combined years of knowledge from his two fellow Transition Coaches - Pete Van Epps and Joel Junker.
In our latest blog post, Brock reflects on his first year in this rewarding position. This is only the beginning!
Check it out! Then leave a comment - Which "Lesson Learned" resonated with you? Why?
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1moGreat event!